Chunming Liu, PhD
- Professor
- Markey Cancer Center
College Unit(s)
Biography and Education
We are interested in the molecular mechanisms of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and the crosstalks between Wnt signaling and other signaling pathways in human cancer. Based on these mechanisms, we have developed several families of small-molecule anti-cancer agents. Our long-term goal is to develop novel therapeutics for cancer treatment.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Harvard Medical School, 2003 Ph.D. Purdue University, 1997 B.S., Nankai University, 1988
The Wnt/ß-catenin signaling pathway plays important roles in early development, stem cell renewal, and tumorigenesis. In addition, Wnt signaling is crucial in the organization and maintenance of the human intestinal epithelium. In this pathway, many different components work together to transduce an external signal into changes in gene expression within the target cell. Upon binding its receptor, the Wnt ligand ultimately results in the stabilization of cytoplasmic ß-catenin, which is then free to enter the nucleus and activate transcription through its interaction with the TCF/LEF family of transcription factors.
Somatic mutations that result in deregulated Wnt signaling are an early event in the development of colorectal cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. About 80% of colorectal cancers have APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) mutation, and about 15% have ß-catenin mutation. We have identified novel molecules in the Wnt pathways, and have provided insights into how mutations cause ß-catenin accumulation that leads to cancer.
We are also interested in the crosstalk between Wnt signaling and other signaling pathways. For example, we have identified KLF4 as a novel inhibitor of ß-catenin. KLF4 is a tumor suppressor and a key factor for stem cell re-programming. We found that KLF4 controls transcription by regulating chromatin-remodeling. We are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms of KLF4 in cancers and stem cells, including cancer stem cells.
We are collaborating with clinicians in the Markey Cancer Center to study mechanism of human cancers, especially GI and lung cancers. We are collaborating with medicinal chemists to develop small molecular inhibitors for cancer prevention and treatment. Our long-term goal is to develop novel therapeutics and diagnostics for cancer and other human diseases.
Selected Publications
Research Paper 1. Liu C, Kato Y, Zhang Z, Do VM, Yankner BA and He X. beta-Trcp couples beta-catenin phosphorylation-degradation and regulates Xenopus axis formation. Proc. Natl. Acad. of Sci. USA 96: 6273-6278, 1999. 2. Tamai K, Semenov M, Kato Y, Spokony R, Liu C, Katsuyama Y, Hess F, Saint-Jeannet JP, He X. LDL-receptor-related proteins in Wnt signal transduction. Nature 407: 530-535, 2000. 3. Liu C, Li Y, Semenov M, Han C, Baeg G, Tan Y, Zhang Z, Lin X, He X. Control of beta-catenin phosphorylaton/degradation by a dual-kinase mechanism. Cell 108: 837-847, 2002. 4. Tamai K, Zeng X, Liu C, Zhang X, Harada Y, Chang Z, and He X. A mechanism for Wnt co-receptor activation. Molecular Cell 13:149-156, 2004. 5. Wu G, Liu C, and He X. Ozz: A New Name on the Long List of β-Catenin's Nemeses. Molecular Cell13: 451-453, 2004. 6. Shao J, Jung C, Liu C and Sheng H. Prostaglandin E2 stimulates the beta-catenin/TCF-dependent transcription in colon cancer. J Biol Chem 280: 26565-26572, 2005. 7. Evans PM, Liu C. SiteFind: A software tool for introducing a restriction site as a marker for successful site-directed mutagenesis. BMC Molecular Biology 6:22, 2005. 8. Zhang W, Chen X, Kato Y, Evans PM, Yuan S, Yang J, Rychahou PG, Yang VW, He X, Evers BM and Liu C. Novel crosstalk of Krüppel-like factor 4 and beta-catenin regulates normal intestinal homeostasis and tumor repression. Molecular and Cellular Biology 26: 2055-2064, 2006. 9. Yang J, Zhang W, Evans PM, Chen X, He X and Liu C. APC differentially regulates beta-catenin phosphorylation and ubiquitination in colon cancer cells. J Biol Chem 281:17751-17757, 2006. 10. Zhang B, Luo S, Dong XP, Zhang X, Liu C, Luo Z, Xiong WC and Mei L. Beta-catenin regulates AChR clustering in muscle cells through interaction with rapsyn. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 3968-3973, 2007. 11. Evans PM, Zhang W, Chen X, Yang J, Bhakat K and Liu C. Krüppel-like factor 4 is acetylated by p300 and regulates gene transcription via modulation of histone acetylation. J Biol Chem 282: 33994-4002, 2007. 12. Chen X, Yang J, Evans PM and Liu C. Wnt signaling: the good and the bad. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 40:577-94, 2008. 13. Evans PM and Liu C. Role of Krüppel-like factor 4 in normal homeostasis, cancer, and stem cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 40: 554-564, 2008. 14. Zheng H, Pritchard DM, Yang X, Bennett E, Liu G, Liu C and Ai W. KLF4 gene expression is inhibited by the Notch signaling pathway that controls goblet cell differentiation in mouse GI tract. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 296: G490-82008, 2009. 15. Song S, Mazurek N, Liu C, Sun Y, Ding QQ, Liu K, Hung MC, Bresalier RS. Galectin-3 mediates nuclear beta-catenin accumulation and Wnt signaling in human colon cancer cells by regulation of GSK-3beta activity. Cancer Research 69: 1343-9, 2009. 16. Zhang W, Yang J, Liu Y, Chen X, Yu T, Jia J and Liu C. PR55alpha, a regulatory subunit of PP2A, specifically regulates PP2A-mediated beta-catenin dephosphorylation. J Biol Chem, 284: 22649-22656, 2009. 17. Zong W, Yang Y, Zhang P, Andrianakos R, Hasegawa K, Lyu J, Chen X, Bai G, Liu C, Pera M and Lu W. Klf4 directly interacts with Oct4 and Sox2 to promote reprogramming. Stem Cells 15: 2969-2978, 2009. 18. Evans PM, Chen X, Zhang W and Liu C. KLF4 interacts with beta-catenin/TCF4 and blocks recruitment of p300/CBP by beta-catenin. Mol Cell Biol. 30: 372-381, 2010. 19. Evans PM and Liu C. New insights into KLF8-mediated transactivation. Cell Cycle 9: 642-651, 2010.17. Zhang P, Andrianakos R, Yang, Liu C and Lu W. Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) prevents embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation by regulation Nanog gene expression. J Biol Chem, 285, 9180-9189, 2010. 20. Liu C and He X. Destruction of a destructor: a new avenue for cancer therapeutics targeting the Wnt pathway. J Mol Cell Biol 2010 2: 70-73, 2010. 21. Yu T, Chen X and Liu C. Wnt signaling in colon cancer stem cells. In Cancer Stem Cells, Nova Science Publishers, pp79-94, 2010. 22. Wang J, Liu B, Wang N, Lee YM, Liu C, and Li K. TRIM56 Is a Virus- and Interferon-Inducible E3 Ubiquitin Ligase That Restricts Pestivirus Infection. Journal of Virology, 85: 3733-3745, 2011. 23. Zhang W, Sviripa V, Kril LM, Chen X, Yu T, Shi J, Rychahou P, Evers BM, Watt DS, and Liu C. Fluorinated N,N-Dialkylaminostilbenes for Wnt Pathway Inhibition and Colon Cancer Repression. J Med Chem, 54: 1288–1297, 2011. 24. Yu T, Chen X, Zhang W, Colon D, Shi J, Napier D, Rychahou P, Lu W, Lee EY, Evers BM and Liu C. Regulation of the Potential Marker for Intestinal Cells, Bmi1, by beta-Catenin and the Zinc Finger Protein KLF4: Implications for Colon Cancer. J Biol Chem, 287: 3760-8, 2012. 25. Olivier S, Guinez C, Mir AM, Perez-Cervera Y, Liu C, Michalski JC and Lefebvre T. The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and O-GlcNAcylation drive the expression of β-catenin and cell proliferation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 302: E417-24, 2012. 26. Yu T, Chen X, Zhang W, Li J, Xu R, Wang TC, Ai W and Liu C. Krüppel-like factor 4 regulates intestinal epithelial cell morphology and polarity. PloS One, 7: e32492, 2012. 27. Li J, Zheng H, Yu F, Yu T, Liu C, Huang S, Wang T and Ai W. Deficiency of the Krüppel-like factor KLF4 correlates with increased cell proliferation, migration, adhesion, and enhanced skin tumorigenesis. Carcinogenesis 33: 1239-46, 2012. 28. Lin HS, Sviripa VM, Watt DS, Liu C, Xiang TX, Anderson BD, Ong PS, Ho PC. Quantification of trans-2,6-difluoro-4′-N,N-dimethylaminostilbene in rat plasma: Application to a pharmacokinetic study. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 72: 115-120, 2013. 29. Kim JT, Li J, Jang ER, Gulhati P, Rychahou PG, Napier DL, Wang C, Weiss HL, Lee EY, Anthony L, Townsend CM Jr, Liu C, Evers BM. Deregulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling through genetic or epigenetic alterations in human neuroendocrine tumors. Carcinogenesis 34: 953-961, 2013. 30. Sviripa VM, Zhang W, Conroy MD, Schmidt ES, Liu AX, Truong J, Liu C, Watt DS. Fluorinated N,N'-Diarylureas as AMPK Activators. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 3: 1600-1603, 2013. 31. Zhang W, Sviripa VM, Chen X, Shi J, Yu T, Hamza A, Ward N, Kril L, Vander Kooi C, Zhan C, Evers, BM, Watt DS and Liu C. Fluorinated N,N-dialkylaminostilbenes repress colon cancer by targeting methionine S-adenosyltransferase 2A. ACS Chemical Biology, 8: 796-803. 32. Wang Q, Zhou Y, Rychahou P, Liu C, Weiss HL and Evers BM. NFAT5 represses canonical Wnt signaling via inhibition of β-catenin acetylation and participates in regulating intestinal cell differentiation. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4, e671. 33. Zhang P, Chang WH, Fong B, Gao F, Liu C, Alam D, Bellusci S and Lu W, Regulation of iPS Cell Induction by Wnt/β-catenin Signaling. JBC, 289: 9221-32, 2014. 34. Singh S, Zhang J, Huber TD, Sunkara M, Hurley K, Goff RD, Wang G, Zhang W, Liu C, Rohr J, Van Lanen SG, Morris AJ, Thorson JS. Facile strategies for the synthesis and utilization of S-adenosyl-L-methionine analogs. Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 53: 3965, 2014. 35. Xu X, Yu T, Shi J, Chen X, Zhang W, Lin T, Liu Z, Wang Y, Zheng Z, Wang C, Li M and Liu C. Thymine DNA Glycosylase is a Positive Regulator of Wnt Signaling in Colorectal Cancer. JBC, 289: 8881-90, 2014. 36. Sviripa VM, Zhang W, Kril L, Liu AX, Schmidt ES, Liu AX, Yuan Y, Zhan C, Liu C, Watt DS. Halogenated Diarylacetylenes Repress c-Myc Expression in Cancer Cells. Bioorg & Med Chem Lett., 24: 3638-40, 2014 37. Sviripa V, Zhang W, Balia A; Tsodikov O, Nickell J, Gizard F, Yu T, Lee E, Dwoskin L, Liu C and Watt DS. 2’,6’-Dihalostyrylanilines, Pyridines and Pyrimidines for the Inhibition of the Catalytic Subunit of Methionine S-Adenosyltransferase-2 (MAT2A). J Med Chem. 57(14): 6083–6091, 2014. 38. Yin Y, Deng X, Liu Z, Baldwin LA, Lefringhous J, Zhang J, Hoff JT, Erfani SF, Rucker III EB, O'Connor K, Liu C, Wu Y, Zhou B and Yang X. CD151 represses mammary gland development by maintaining the niches of progenitor cells. Cell Cycle 13:2707-22, 2014 39. Burikhanov R, Sviripa VM, Hebbar N, Zhang W, Layton WJ, Hamza A, Zhan C, Watt DS, Liu C and Vivek M. Rangnekar. Arylquin-1 targets vimentin to trigger Par-4 secretion for tumor cell apoptosis. Nature Chemical Biology, 10: 924-6, 2014. 40. Baldwin LA, Hoff JT, Lefringhouse J, Zhang M, Jia C, Liu Z, Erfani S, Jin H, Xu M, She QB, van Nagell JR, Wang C, Chen L, Plattner R, Kaetzel DM, Luo J, Lu M, West D, Liu C, Ueland FR, Drapkin R, Zhou BP, Yang XH. CD151-α3β1 integrin complexes suppress ovarian tumor growth by repressing slug-mediated EMT and canonical Wnt signaling. Oncotarget. 5:12203-17, 2014. 41. Kim JT, Liu C, Zaytseva Y, Weiss H, Townsend Jr. CM and Evers BM. Neurotensin, a novel target of Wnt/β-catenin pathway, promotes growth of neuroendocrine tumor cells. IJC, 36:1475-81, 2015. 42. Frasinyuk, MS, Bondarenko SP, Khilya VP, Liu C, Watt DS, Sviripa VM. Synthesis and Tautomerization of Hydroxylated Isoflavones Bearing Heterocyclic Hemi-Aminals. Org Biomol Chem 3: 1053-67, 2015. 43. Frasinyuk MS, Bondarenko SP, Sviripa VM, Burikhanov R, Rangnekar VM, Liu C, Watt DS. Development of 6H-Chromeno[3,4-c]pyrido[3',2':4,5]thieno-[2,3-e]pyridazin-6-ones as Par-4 Secretagogues. Tetrahedron Lett 56: 3382-3384, 2015. 44. Yeo SCM, Sviripa VM, Huang M, Kril L, Watt DS, Liu C, Lin HS. Analysis of trans-2,6-Difluoro-4’-(N,N-dimethylamino)stilbene (DFS) in Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry: Metabolite Identification and Pharmacokinetics Anal Bioanal Chem 407(24):7319-32, 2015. 45. Kril L, Vilchez V, Jiang J, Turcios L, Chen C, Sviripa VM, Zhang W, Liu C, Spear B, Watt DS and Gedaly R. N-Aryl Benzenesulfonamide Inhibitors of [3H]-Thymidine Incorporation and beta-Catenin Signaling in Human Hepatocyte-derived Huh-7 Carcinoma Cells. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 25: 3897-3899, 2015. 46. Shi J, Liu Y, Xu X, Zhang W, Yu T, Jia J and Liu C. Deubiquitinase USP47/UBP64E Regulates beta-Catenin Ubiquitination and Degradation and Plays a Positive Role in Wnt Signaling. Mol Cell Biol. 35: 3301-1, 2015. 47. Frasinyuk MS, Mrug GP, Bondarenko SP, Sviripa VM, Zhang W, Cai X, Fiandalo MV, Mohler JL, Liu C and Watt DS. Application of Mannich Bases to the Synthesis of Hydroxymethylated Isoflavonoids As Potential Antineoplastic Agents. Org Biomol Chem 13:11292-11301, 2015. 48. Zhou P, Erfani S, Liu Z, Jia C, Chen Y, Xu B, Chen L, Lu M, Liu C, Thibault O, Segal R, Zhou B, Kyprianou N, Horbinski C and Yang XH. 2015. CD151-α3β1 Integrin complexes are prognostic markers of glioblastoma and cooperate with EGFR to drive tumor cell motility and invasion. Oncotarget,6: 29675-93, 2015. 49. Sviripa VM, Burikhanov R, Obiero JM, Yuan, Y Nickell, JR, Dwoskin LP, Zhan, CG, Liu C, Tsodikov OV, Rangnekar VM and Watt DS. Par-4 Secretion: Stoichiometry of 3-Arylquinoline Binding to Vimentin. Org Biomol Chem 14, 74-84, 2016. 50. Yu T, Chen X, Zhang W, Avdiushko R, Napier DL, Liu J, Neltner JM, Wang C, Cohen D, Liu C. KLF4 Regulates Adult Lung Tumor Initiating Cells and Represses K-Ras-mediated Lung Cancer. Cell Death & Differentiation, 23: 207-15, 2016 51. Yu T, Chen X, Lin T, Liu J, Li M, Zhang W, Xu X, Zhao W, Liu M, Napier DL, Liu J, Wang C, Evers BM and Liu C. KLF4 deletion alters gastric cell lineage and induces MUC2 expression. Cell Death & Diseases, 7: e2255, 2016. 52. Frasinyuk MS, Mrug GP, Bondarenko SP, Khilya VP, Sviripa VM, Syrotchuk OA, Zhang W, Cai X, Fiandalo MV, Mohler JL, Liu C and Watt DS. "Antineoplastic Isoflavonoids Derived from Intermediate ortho-Quinone Methides Generated from Mannich Bases.” ChemMedChem 11, 600-11, 2016. 53, Kenlan DE, Rychahou P, Sviripa VM, Weiss HL, Liu C, Watt DS, Evers BM. Fluorinated N,N'-Diarylureas As Novel Therapeutic Agents Against Cancer Stem Cells. Molecular cancer therapeutics 16: 831-837, 2017. 54. Nimpong JA, Gebregziabher W, Singh UP, Nagarkatti P, Nagarkatti M, Hodge J, Liu C, Fan D, Ai W. Deficiency of KLF4 compromises the lung function in an acute mouse model of allergic asthma. BBRC 493: 598-603, 2017. 55. Frasinyuk MS, Zhang W, Wyrebek P, Yu T, Xu X, Sviripa VM, Bondarenko SP, Xie Y, Ngo H, Morris A, Mohler J, Fiandalo M,Watt DS and Liu C. Developing antineoplastic agents that target peroxisomal enzymes: cytisine-linked isoflavonoids as inhibitors of hydroxysteroid 17-beta-dehydrogenase-4 (HSD17B4). Org Biomol Chem 15, 7623-7629, 2017. 56. Sviripa V, Kril L, Zhang W, Xie Y, Wyrebek P, PonomarevaL, Liu X, Yuan Y, Zhan CG, Watt DS and Liu C. Phenylethynyl-substituted heterocycles inhibit cyclin D1 and induce the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21Wif1/Cip1 in colorectal cancer cells. MedChemComm, 9: 87-99, 2018. 57. Moon BS, Bai J, Cai M, Liu C, Shi J, and Lu W. Kruppel-like factor 4-dependent Staufen1-mediated mRNA decay regulates cortical neurogenesis. Nat Comm 9: 401, 2018. 58. Wang Q, Zhou Y, Rychahou P, Harris J, Zaytseva Y, Liu J, Wang C, Weiss H, Liu C, Lee E, and Evers BM. Deptor is a novel target of Wnt/β-catenin/c-Myc and contributes to colorectal cancer cell growth. Cancer Research 78: 3163-75, 2018. 59. Popova AV, Frasinyuk MS, Bondarenko SP, Zhang W, Xie Y, Martin ZM, Cai X, Fiandalo MV, Mohler JL, Liu C, Watt DS and Sviripa VM. Efficient Synthesis of Aurone Mannich Bases and Evaluation of their Antineoplastic Activity in PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells. Chemical Papers 72: 2443–2456, 2018. 60. Liu J, Murali T, Yu T, Liu C, Sivakumaran T, Moseley H, Zhulin I, Weiss H, Durbin E, Ellingson S, Liu J, Huang B, Hallahan B, Horbinski C, Hodges K, Napier D, Bocklage T, Mueller J, Vanderford N, Fardo D, Wang C, and Arnold S. Characterization of Squamous Cell Lung Cancers from Appalachian Kentucky. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 28:348-356, 2019. 61. Johnson J, Rychahou P, Sviripa VM, Weiss HL, Liu C, Watt DS, Evers BM. Induction of AMPK activation by N, N’- diarylurea FND-4b decreases growth and increases apoptosis in triple negative and estrogen-receptor positive breast cancers. PLoS ONE, 2019, Vol.14(3): e0209392. PMCID: PMC6420029. 62. He C, Plattner R, Rangnekar V, Zhou B, Liu C, Stewart R, Huang B, Wang C, Tucker T. Potential Protein Markers for Breast Cancer Recurrence: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Cancer Causes & Control 30: 41-51, 2019. 63. Sinner HF, Johnson J, Rychahou PG, Watt DS, Zaytseva YY, Liu C, Evers BM (2019) Novel chemotherapeutic agent, FND-4b, activates AMPK and inhibits colorectal cancer cell proliferation, PLoS One, 14(10): e0224253. PMCID: PMC6812860. 64. Xie Y, Kril LM, Yu T, Zhang W, Frasinyuk MS Bondarenko SP, Kondratyuk KM, Hausman E, Martin ZM, Wyrebek PP, Liu X, Deaciuc A, Dwoskin LP, Chen J, Zhu H, Zhan C-G, Sviripa VM, Blackburn J, Watt DS and Liu C. (2019) Semisynthetic aurones inhibit tubulin polymerization at the colchicine-binding site and repress PC-3 tumor xenografts in nude mice and myc-induced T-ALL in zebrafish. Scientific Reports 9: 6439, 2019. 65. Kim JT, Li C, Weiss, H, Zhou Y, Liu C, Wang Q and Evers BM. Regulation of ketogenic enzyme, HMGCS2, by Wnt/β-catenin/PPARγ pathway in intestinal cells. Cells 8(9): 1106. 66. Li H, Li J, Han R, Deng X, Shi J, Huang H, Hamad N, McCaughley A, Liu J, Wang C, Chen K, Wei D, Qiang J, Thatcher S, Wu Y, Liu C, Thibault O, Wei X, Chen S, Qian H, Zhou BP, Xu P, Yang XH. Deletion of tetraspanin CD151 alters the Wnt oncogene-induced mammary tumorigenesis: A cell type-linked function and signaling. Neoplasia 21: 1151-1163, 2019. 67. Wang M, Yu T, Liu J, Chen L, Villano SJ, Arnold SM, Liu C and Wang C. A probabilistic method for leveraging functional annotations to enhance estimation of the temporal order of pathway mutations during carcinogenesis. BMC Bioinformatics 20: 620, 2019. 68. Zhang W, Sviripa V, Kril K, Yu T, Xie Y, Hubbard W, Sullivan P, Chen X, Zhan C, Yang-Hartwich Y, Evers BM, Spear B, Gedaly R, Watt D and Liu C. An Underlying Mechanism of Dual Wnt Inhibition and AMPK Activation: Mitochondrial Uncouplers Masquerading as Wnt Inhibitors, J Med Chem. 62: 11348-11358, 2019. 69. Turcios L, Francesc M, Watt DS, Kril LM, Kurana A, Chapelin F, Liu C, Zwischenbeger J, Evers BM, Gedaly R (2020) Mitochondrial Uncoupling and the Disruption of the Metabolic Network in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Oncotarget, v11(31), 2020. 70. Sviripa V, Fiandalo M, Begley K, Wyrebek P, Kril L, Balia A, Parkin S, Subramanian V, Chen X, Williams A, Zhan C, Liu C, Mohler J and Watt D. Pictet–Spengler condensations using 4-(2-aminoethyl)coumarins. New J Chem, 2020, 44: 13415-13429, 2020. 71. Zhang Y, Xu B, Shi J, Li J, Lu X, Xu L, Yang H, Hamad N, Wang C, Napier D, He S, Liu C, Liu Z, Qian H, Chen L, Wei X, Zheng X, Huang JA, Thibault O, Craven R, Wei D, Pan Y, Zhou BP, Wu Y, Yang XH. BRD4 modulates vulnerability of triple-negative breast cancer to targeting of integrin-dependent signaling pathways. Cell Oncol (Dordr). 43(6):1049-1066, 2020. PMID: 33006750. 72. Zhang W, Sviripa VM, Xie Y, Yu T, Haney MG, Blackburn JS, Adeniran CA, Zhan CG, Watt DS and Liu C. Epigenetic Regulation of Wnt Signaling by Carboxamide-Substituted Benzhydryl Amines that Function as Histone Demethylase Inhibitors. iScience, 23(12): 101795, 2020. 73. Haney MG, Wimsett M, Liu C, and Blackburn JS. Protocol for rapid assessment of the efficacy of novel Wnt inhibitors using zebrafish models. Star Protocols, 2(2): 100433, 2021. 74. Xie Y, Zhang W, Guo L, Kril LM, Begley KL, Sviripa VM, Chen X, Liu X, Lee EY, He D, Wang C, Gao T, Liu X, Evers BM, Watt DS and Liu C. Synergistic Effect on c-Myc Driven Colorectal Cancers Using a Novel Indole-Substituted Quinoline with a Plk1 Inhibitor. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 20:1893–903, 2021. 75. Hammill J, Sviripa V, Kril L, Diana O, Fargo C, Kim HS, Chen Y, Rector J, Rice A, Domagalska M, Begley K, Liu C, Rangnekar VM, Dujardin J, Watt D, Landfear SM and Guy RK. Amino-substituted 3-Aryl- and 3-Heteroarylquinolines as Potential Antileishmanial Agents. J Med Chem, 64: 12152–62, 2021. 76. Bi F, Jiang Z, Park W, Hartwich T, Ge Z, Chong K, Yang K, Morrison M, Kim D, Kim J, Zhang W, Kril L, Watt D, Liu C, and Yang-Hartwich Y. A Benzenesulfonamide-based Mitochondrial Uncoupler Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Immunogenic Cell Death in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, Online ahead of Print. Reviews 1. Wu G, Liu C, and He X. Ozz: A New Name on the Long List of β-Catenin's Nemeses. Molecular Cell 13: 451-453, 2004. 2. Chen X, Yang J, Evans PM and Liu C. Wnt signaling: the good and the bad. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 40:577-94, 2008. 3. Evans PM and Liu C. Role of Krüppel-like factor 4 in normal homeostasis, cancer, and stem cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 40: 554-564, 2008. 4. Evans PM and Liu C. New insights into KLF8-mediated transactivation. Cell Cycle 9: 642-651, 2010. 5. Liu C and He X. Destruction of a destructor: a new avenue for cancer therapeutics targeting the Wnt pathway. J Mol Cell Biol 2010 2: 70-73, 2010. 6. Xu X, Watt, DS and Liu, C. Multifaceted Roles for Thymine DNA Glycosylase (TDG) in Embryonic Development and Human Carcinogenesis Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 48: 82-89, 2016. 7. Yu T and Liu C. Chromatin silencing maintains the identity of intestinal stem cells. Stem Cell Investigation. 3:20, 2016. 8. Xie Y and Liu C. Xom, a ventralizing factor, regulates beta-catenin levels and cell fate, FEBS Letters 592: 297-298, 2018. Book Chapters 1. Liu C and Raghothama KG. Practical methods for cloning cDNAs generated in an mRNA differential display. In Expression Genetics, Differential Display, eds. A.B. Pardee and M. McClelland. Eaton Publishing. pp. 477-480; 1999. 2. Yu T, Chen X and Liu C. Wnt signaling in colon cancer stem cells. In Cancer Stem Cells, Nova Science Publishers, pp79-94, 2010. 3. Liu C, Regimbald-Dumas, Zhang X and He X. The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. In Encyclopedia of Cell Biology. Acedemic Press, ELSEVIER, 2015