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Congratulation to Manli Shen - Winner of the Staff Award at the Barnstable Brown Obesity and Diabetes Research Day symposium held on 5/13/2013.

More About the Event

Two University of Kentucky faculty members were honored on April 25 with awards recognizing their outstanding contributions to teaching and scholarship at UK. Sidney W. Whiteheart, professor of molecular and cellular biochemistry in the UK College of Medicine, was awarded the 2013 Albert D. and Elizabeth H.
Tianyan Gao showed Micah Fowler, 13, center, and other Boyle County seventh-graders how to analyze DNA in the lab using a protocol called gel electrophoresis. The demonstration Tuesday was part of Meet the Researchers Day at the University of Kentucky Biomedical/Biological Sciences Research Building. Carroll County Middle School students also attended. Schools in the region participated in a fundraiser called Pennies for Patients for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Fundamentals of Biochemistry is designed for undergraduate and graduate students whose educational needs can be best satisfied by a one-semester biochemistry course. Introductory chemistry, organic chemistry, and biology are prerequisites for enrollment in BCH401G. BCH401G will introduce students to the general families of biomolecules that comprise biochemistry and the principles that integrate biochemistry with other chemical and biological disciplines. Questions? Please contact David Watt, Course Director at
Congratulations to Sam Turco, Ph.D. for outstanding instructor in a first-year course. This marks the sixth year in a row that Dr. Turco has won this prestigious award (2007-2012).

Researchers at UK have discovered a new cellular mechanism that may better explain what causes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.  ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that involves the death of motor neurons, leading to the muscle weakness and atrophy.