Event Details

Location: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=dvd7scbbb&oeidk=a07ehs6h5e3f30f89f5
Event Category: Community Event

Additional Event Information

Monday April 19, 2021


Registration: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=dvd7scbbb&oeidk=a07ehs6h5e3f30f89f5

Health equity research aims to eliminate inequities in health by ensuring everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their optimal level of health. Inequities in health exist across all dimensions of society including wealth attainment, housing, mass incarceration, education, health, and result in higher rates of illness, disease, and premature death. Health inequities, describing disparities that are unfair and reflect injustice, often include maldistribution of the opportunities and resources necessary to attain optimal health. April is National Minority Health Month, which is an opportunity to illuminate health inequities, and innovative health equity research efforts to eliminate gaps in health. This webinar will feature three researchers at the University of Kentucky working to eliminate maternal health disparities in the commonwealth.

Dr. Amanda Fallin-Bennett, Assistant Professor of Nursing, will discuss preliminary findings from her CHET funded pilot project, “Get Fit and Quit: Tobacco Treatment for Women Living in Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment”, an eight-week tobacco treatment intervention that incorporates smoking cessation education, group social support and group physical activity, tailored for women in residential substance use disorder (SUD) treatment.

Dr. Danelle Stevens-Watkins, Assistant Vice President for Research at UK and Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, will discuss preliminary findings from her CHET funded pilot project, “SPEAK (Support Peers for Breastfeeding Expansion among African American Kentuckians).” Her project involves interviewing African American women in Kentucky about breastfeeding messages and myths they have been exposed to and training breastfeeding peer support counselors known as “Community Transformers.”

Anna Hansen, MD/Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology will discuss her doctoral dissertation, focused on analyzing risk factors for maternal morbidity and mortality among rural, underserved women, with specific focus on rural Appalachian women. She is using both a database of linked hospitalization and emergency department encounters, as well as qualitative interviews with healthcare providers, patients, and EMS professionals to explore the factors contributing to women's risk.


Corrine Williams, ScM, ScD 
Associate Profesor 
Department of Health, Behavior & Society 
College of Public Health

Please join the Center for Health Equity Transformation as we observe National Minority Health Month by highlighting research at the University of Kentucky to address maternal health disparities.

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