Group photo of Women in Medicine and Science

Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS)

  • WIMS is an organization grounded in networking and mentorship that creates a supportive network and stable foundation to engage faculty, trainees and students and in opportunities for career advancement. WIMS exists to advance the full and successful participation and inclusion of women within academic medicine. 

  • To learn more click here.

Student National Medical Association

The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) has chapters at the local (UK), state and national levels and is the oldest and largest student-run organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of underrepresented race/ethnic identities. The mission further focuses on meeting the health needs of underserved communities.

UK College of Medicine SNMA members represent and stand up for an ever-resonating message on campus and beyond.

Three students with LGBTQ flag


UK medPRIDE is a student organization in the dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ and ally medical students while increasing awareness of the needs and concerns of LGBTQ+ patients. For more information, visit the group’s Facebook page.

Students Embracing Equity in Medical Science

SEEMS is a UK College of Medicine organization working to ensure all minorities in terms of race, ethnicity, place of origin, sexuality, military service, and disability have their unique experiences represented, celebrated, and directly involved in advancing medicine and science. 

a student during a ramadan presentation

Muslim Healthcare Student Association (MHSA)

The Healthcare Muslim Student Association (HMSA) at the UK College of Medicine is a student-run organization that strives to represent Muslim students in UK’s healthcare colleges, provide opportunities for academic support and spiritual growth, and build community amongst Muslim and non-Muslim students alike. Furthermore, HMSA seeks to engage with and critically examine all aspects of healthcare as it relates to the Muslim identity, culture, history, peoples, and the intersections therein. This is accomplished through mentorship, social and educational programming, and community service.