Strategic Plan

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Inclusive Research

headshot of Dr. Na'Tasha Evans

Welcome from our Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Welcome to the College of Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI). The work of educating and training highly qualified physicians and researchers to serve Kentucky and the nation cannot be done without considering the ways in which our identities impact how we navigate our hallways, classrooms, laboratories, clinical settings, and the world around us.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion within medical education and research bring together individuals from various cultures, life experiences, and perspectives providing access to individuals regardless of their background and socioeconomic status. By creating a diverse student body, staff, and faculty within the College of Medicine, we foster an educational environment that prepares future physicians and researchers to understand diverse patient experiences, provide culturally competent care, and effectively address the complexity of scientific problems.

I look forward to the transformative possibilities that lie ahead. I invite you to join me on this journey, as your voices and insights are essential in shaping our collective success and shared vision.

Na'Tasha Evans, PhD, MEd
Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Associate Professor of Behavioral Science

Learn More About Us

Statement on Racial Justice

Every facet of our collective, day-to-day lives has been, and continues to be, affected by racism. Therefore, we must continue to stand against racism and xenophobia in action and language. At the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, we acknowledge the existence of stereotyping, bias, discrimination, prejudice, microaggressions, and other forms of racism and xenophobia. The cost of racism, both structural and interpersonal, on the mental and physical health of racially minoritized groups is incalculable and fundamentally antithetical to the moral responsibility of health professionals. 

As healers and educators of the next generation of physicians and scientists, it is not enough to say we will “do no harm.” We cannot remain committed to educating, training, and producing highly qualified and caring physicians to serve all the people of Kentucky and the nation without recognizing the systemic racism which lingers in our nation and health care systems and working to dismantle it. 

In his campus message recently, President Capilouto asked the entire campus to recommit to creating a community of belonging for everyone. He further stated that we must hold each other accountable as we take steps together. As such, we want to provide an update on our college efforts, institutional partnerships, and an upcoming community forum. 

> Click here to read the full statement from Dean Griffith