Didactic Curriculum
It is the policy of the department that residents receive a variety of didactic presentations that expose them to topics appropriate to their training levels. In planning and delivery of didactic components of the residency program, emphasis is placed on systematic organization of didactic sessions, integration of didactic and clinical material, and the necessity of required readings to supplement lecture material. In addition to faculty-driven didactic sessions, emphasis also is placed on faculty-supported, peer-oriented, resident to resident teaching sessions. The didactic conference schedule is coordinated by the Resident Education Committee. Lectures are held every Tuesday and Friday in the Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital conference from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and includes a combination of topics from textbooks of physical medicine and rehabilitation and recent published literature in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Chief Rounds to include case presentations and journal clubs, quality improvement, resident formal presentations and Attending Lecture Series. The residents are excused from all clinical duties to attend the lectures as this is protected time. The two-year rotating didactic schedule includes the following courses:
- "I’m a Physiatrist"
- Anatomy with Clinical/Radiographic Correlates
- AAPM&R SAE-R Review
- Electrodiagnostic Medicine
- Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Neurorehabilitation
- Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Rheumatology
- Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

Electrodiagnostic Medicine
A separate hands-on introduction to the performance and interpretation of needle EMG and nerve conduction studies directed by a faculty member is provided annually. Attendance is mandatory for the PGY IV resident on a monthly basis August-May and bi-monthly for the PGY II-III residents from Jan-May. The course is dictated to PGY level. The PGY III and IV resident participate in an EMG self assessment (SAE) exam each year in May. Residents are excused from clinical duties to attend the sessions.
Oral Board Review
The residents will actively participate in a Oral Board preparation course with physical medicine and rehabilitation faculty. Topics and structure are based on ABPMR oral board format.
SAE Review Course
All PGY II-IV residents participate in an SAE/Board Review course for 17 weeks with curriculum based on the Cuccurullo PM&R Board Review textbook. This course takes place on Tuesdays from October-December and Tuesdays and Fridays in January. Residents are excused from clinical duties. This curriculum is composed of a reading schedule, questions from the physical medicine and rehabilitation question and answer bank along with group review sessions on high yield topics.
Virtual Grand Rounds (***NEW***)
Starting in the 2020-2021 academic year, virtually join the UK College of Medicine Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department as we learn together from leaders within the field of PM&R. This occurs on Tuesday or Fridays from 7 - 9 a.m. If you are interested in joining or learning more, please click here.