Virtual Opportunities and Resources
In order to be accessible and provide resources to everyone, the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation provides a few different virtual and elective opportunities to learn more about our program, gain access to learning materials, and more.
Wildcat Wednesdays - Pathway to UK Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Each year, UK PM&R hosts a virtual series to share information about ourselves and the match process for residency programs to individuals across the globe. These hour long virtual sessions are held via zoom every other Wednesday at 6pm EST, and topics range from general program information, the inpatient/outpatient resident experience, the PGY-1 year and MORE!
First session of the season is 8/14/24, and note we welcome you to join anytime.
To register for this series, simply submit your information via the form below. We hope to see you there!

Virtual Grand Rounds
Virtually join the UK College of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation once a month, on either Tuesdays or Fridays from 7 - 9:00 a.m., as we learn together from experts in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Take a look below at some of our most recent sessions this year! If you are interested in joining or would like to learn more follow the link below.
(Virtual Grand Rounds Zoom Link Request Form)
*Note that both the Wildcat Wednesday and Virtual Grand rounds links will allow you to request access to all UK PM&R virtual opportunities*

UK Medical Library
The UK Medical Library offers a multitude of resources for medical students through access to journals, books, lectures, and more. Students with LinkBlue ID's or those attending the UK College of Medicine are able to access these for free at anytime. UK Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has specifically designed a UK Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Library Specialty Guide that serves as a compilation of all PM&R related resources that you can utilize. Click here to access it.