LinkedIn Redux
Happy New Year all! I hope this is a good one for everyone.
I wanted to revisit the whole idea of you creating a LinkedIn profile. I've written about this before. Over the Winter break I caught up with a friend who co-founded a solar energy company. For reasons that I forget the conversation turned to LinkedIn. My friend related how he has a couple of large (as in LARGE) business deals he's working on that originated with him reaching out to people via LinkedIn. And that he has in turn been contacted by people on LinkedIn interested in potential business with, or employment in, his company. He crops up in searches on LinkedIn because he's active on the platform. And by active I mean he occasionally shares articles related to his industry. That's it.
Now I'm not suggesting that having a LinkedIn profile will result in you being offered lucrative business deals. Or even jobs. I'm relating this to reinforce the idea that LinkedIn is used a lot in industry, and that having a profile and being active on the platform can open up possibilities.