A new study led by University of Kentucky researchers and published in Nature shows a potential new biological marker for the development of obesity and a possible target for obesity prevention and treatment. Neurotensin (NT), a peptide produced mainly in the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, is released with fat ingestion and facilitates fatty acid absorption in the intestine.

The 2017 Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine recently issued a call for nominations.  The Harrington Prize honors an investigator for notable achievements in innovation, creativity, and potential for clinical application.   Nominations are sought for physician-scientists who will be highly competitive for this important recognition.

It isn't uncommon in the Bluegrass to celebrate the Kentucky Derby by having friends come to your home for a party. But if you are Chris Barnstable-Brown, the family party just happens to have a guest list of about 1,200, including performer Kid Rock and members of Boyz II Men, as well as sports figures such as NFL quarterback Aaron Rogers and a host of former University of Kentucky and University of Louisville basketball players. Chris Barnstable-Brown is the son, grandson and nephew of the founders of the Barnstable Brown Kentucky Derby Eve Gala in Louisville that include his mother Patr
The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society hosted their fifth annual "Meet the Researchers Day" last week.
Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati, professor of physiology and vice chair of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, has been named to The Ophthalmologist Power List 2016 'Top 100 Most Influential People in the World of Ophthalmology.' This international list features the most influential and innovative individuals in the worlds of ophthalmic surgery, research and industry. Ambati is an internationally recognized authority who has pioneered innovative concepts in macular degeneration, a blinding disease that affects nearly 200 million people worldwide.

As Vice President for Research, I am frequently asked, “What is it like to be a researcher at UK?” Well, to be honest, I have only known one research environment as a faculty member performing academic research for the past 27 years, and that environment is UK. While this might be construed as making me shortsighted, I believe that one of the primary reasons I have remained at UK throughout my academic career is the collaborative nature of research. 

Sent on behalf of the Women in Medicine and Science Executive Committee and the Mentoring Subcommittee The College of Medicine Women in Medicine and Science Executive Committee would like to invite all female faculty to attend the first in a series of Roundtable Discussions - "Managing Career Challenges", on Monday, May 9, 2016 at 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm in CTW 127. We would appreciate your assistance in encouraging your faculty to attend this upcoming special event. Attached is a copy of the invitation outlining the topics and facilitators for this event. Thank you for your assistance,

The University of Kentucky is pleased to announce an upcoming workshop for faculty members planning to apply for Fulbright funding, for international work.

Limited Submission – William T. Grant Foundation - Scholars Program


For All Graduate Students:

Summer Thesis/Dissertation Boot Camp, May 16-27, 2016

Registration Now Open (will close Friday, May 6th)

Please join Gina Vessels, SRAS Post Award Manager, for an informational session on the monthly financial reports distributed by Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) for grant accounts. There will be a general review of the report structure and discussion of the information within the report, and there will be ample time for questions and discussion after the presentation. Please feel free to bring your own personal reports for individual review and questions after the session.

Registration for the Sixth Annual Barnstable Brown Obesity and Diabetes Research Day is now open.  The deadline for abstract submissions is April 22, 2016.  Details of the event, including registration and program schedule, can be found on the Barnstable Brown Obesity and Diabetes Research Day web site. 

University of Kentucky researchers Robin Vanderpool and Mark Dignan are leading projects funded by the National Cancer Institute’s Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities to continue Markey Cancer Center’s community-based efforts aimed at reducing cancer rates in Appalachia. Both programs are funded for three years. Appalachian regions, particularly in Eastern Kentucky, have disproportionately high rates of both incidence and mortality due to cancer when compared to other regions in the United States.

Nearly 68,000 Kentuckians today are suffering from Alzheimer's disease, but the emotional and financial tolls are much higher. That's because, in the words of Linda Van Eldik, Alzheimer's is a "family disease."

"Alzheimer's affects the patient, of course, but as the disease progresses, it is also devastating for the people who love and care for that patient," said Van Eldik, director of the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.

Two researchers from the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging won awards at the National Charleston Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (CCAD) earlier this month. Ai-Ling Lin, Ph.D., and Jose Abisambra, Ph.D., were two of 15 researchers selected from high-caliber institutions such as Harvard, Mount Sinai and New York University to attend the conference based on the quality and originality of their research. Of the four awards presented, Sanders-Brown researchers were awarded two. Lin was one of three recipients who received the $50,000 New Vision Award.

Beginning Monday, April 11th, all new protocol submissions, modifications, adverse events, violations and continuation reviews may be submitted electronically.  This is an initial step in the shift from paper to electronic submission as the web-based E-IRB program is being developed. 

With the assistance of the UKHC Business Partners, we are pleased to make available a college-level version of the monthly PI Report.  Using the versions of the report that the SRAS receives by CGO and IBU, this is a college-wide report that can be easily filtered by department.  We have posted the report using February data to the College’s Finance SharePoint site (accessible to chairs and DAs; in the Grants Reports folder, see SPA PI Reports folder) and also to the shared IBU FI drive (in the ! WBS Elements folder, see !

The University of Kentucky Department of Biological Safety would like to invite you to register for the following seminar: