The College of Medicine and Center for Health Services Research
(in collaboration with the VPR, CCTS and UK HealthCare)
Call for Applications – Pilot Grant Funding
Value of Innovation to Implementation Program (VI2P)

The College of Medicine (COM) is preparing to launch our first initiative for the Value of Innovation to Implementation Program (VI2P), which will be coordinated by the Center for Health Services Research (CHSR). For more information, please refer to attached RFP and go to CHSR VI2P website

Application will be open to all Faculty across the University inclusive of all Colleges and Centers. Investigators at all stages of career development, junior, middle level, and senior are eligible to apply. 

This funding mechanism provides a new opportunity and resources to support innovative, collaborative research projects that will identify, develop, test, evaluate and/or refine strategies to disseminate and implement evidence-based practices (e.g. quality improvement programs, diagnostic; treatment and disease management interventions; behavioral interventions; prevention, and early detection) into clinical practice and community settings. The goal of VI2P is to foster trans-disciplinary collaboration among scientists and practitioners to form project teams. In addition, VI2P aims to support studies to advance dissemination and implementation research methods and measures, and studies of de-implementation of clinical or community practices that are wasteful or not evidence-based but widely adopted.

All interested applicants who will serve as principal investigator or co-principal investigator are required to attend a 2-hour training workshop. The workshop will be offered at two different times in order to accommodate as many schedules as possible. Please note that you only have to attend one or the other—not both. Workshop Registration Link

Monday, February 6th from 11am – 1pm in NURS Room 501C
Tuesday, February 14th from 10am – noon in NURS Room 115