UK's Vanderford featured in Nature
Nathan Vanderford, assistant director for research at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center and assistant professor in the Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, has a featured article on graduate education in the March 5 edition of Nature. Nature is one of the most prominent and prestigious interdisciplinary scientific journals in the world.
Vanderford co-wrote an article titled, "Wanted: Information" with Viviane Callier from the Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship. In the piece, Vanderford and Callier examine why recent doctoral graduates are having trouble obtaining jobs. They note that doctoral students, specifically those in the science and engineering fields, are not given enough information before obtaining a higher degree and also do not receive enough information about the job market while obtaining the degree.
According to the article, "those pursuing a Ph.D. need a more accurate picture of the academic and non-academic job markets and they need it well before they graduate."
Vanderford and Callier believe that with better information, students can better prepare to enter the job market and avoid common mistakes that leave them feeling both overqualified and unqualified for positions.
To view the full article, visit Nature online.
MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Perry, (859) 323-2399 or