Cohorts typically start in the fall semester. However, spring semester admission for this program will be considered. 

All applications must follow the procedural requirements of the University of Kentucky Graduate School and must be submitted directly to the Graduate School. The online application form for the Graduate School may be accessed below. When applying via the Graduate School online application, make sure to select the program 'Forensic Toxicology and Analytical Genetics' from the drop-down menu.




An undergraduate bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, forensic science, or a related field of study from an accredited university is preferred. However, students with other bachelor’s degrees or the equivalent from an accredited university will be considered if they are judged to be highly competitive and have completed foundational undergraduate courses in chemistry, biology, or related fields.

No GRE is required for admission to the program.


Required documents for the application include:

  • 2-3 letters of recommendation. Provide the names and contact information of individuals who are familiar with your undergraduate and graduate coursework, research, employment, etc.
  • A personal statement indicating professional interests, qualifications, and goals for program study and career goals.
  • A CV indicating education, any academic honors/accomplishments, research-related experience (publications and presentations), laboratory experience, skills, and relevant work experience.

Contact Us

Isabel Mellon, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology or