The program for the physical medicine and rehabilitation PGY-4 year consists of four-week rotation periods as follows:

Department Number of Rotations
CH EMG 3-4 rotations
VA EMG 2 rotations
Teaching Utility Team 1 rotation
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Consults 2-3 rotations
Elective 1 rotation


Electrodiagnostic services at the Kentucky Clinic as well as a variety of musculoskeletal and spasticity management clinics. Direct supervision provided by PM&R attending faculty.



Outpatient electrodiagnostic service and musculoskeletal clinic at Veterans Affair Medical Center, with supervision by physical medicine and rehabilitation attending faculty. Resident assumes primary responsibility for performance and interpretation of electrodiagnostic studies and teaching of lower level students, as well as provides hands-on experience in a variety of joint injections.


Teaching Utility Team


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Consults

Inpatient consult service at UK with direct supervision by physical medicine and rehabilitation attending faculty. Patients include stroke, SCI, TBI, pulmonary, amputees, orthopedics, multiple trauma, and rheumatology.



Elective months in a physical medicine and rehabilitation field of the resident's choice.