Virtual Interview/Scheduling

For the 2023 season, physical medicine and rehabilitation will conduct all interviews virtually to promote equity for our candidates (based on AAMC recommendations). With this, our aim is to create an entire interview process that was seamless for our candidates while adhering to the policies set in place. As always, physical medicine and rehabilitation will utilize ERAS, zoom, and the program Thalamus to ensure a seamless interview experience with a secure and reliable connection to our availability, communications, and more. We also look forward to the future of interviewing: Thalamus and AAMC have announced a strategic collaboration that will accelerate innovation across the transition to residency process, and will be used in tandem with zoom for UK PM&R's interview experience. You can learn more on this strategic collaboration the Thalamus or AMC websites.

Helpful Instructions Regarding Thalamus

Once selected for interview, candidates receive an email inviting them to schedule their interview date(s) through Thalamus. Once a candidate clicks the link, they will follow all proper steps for scheduling.

  • Create Your Profile: confirm your information and set up your profile (even better - have this set up before you receive invites so that accepting / scheduling is seamless!)
  • Schedule Your Interview: availability, preferred dates, easy changes, and the Smart Calendar will allow for flexible scheduling. If your perferred date is unavailable, you can also waitlist yourself for future opportunities (candidates will be notified when a spot becomes available based on the time stamp for which they waitlisted - first come, first serve basis).
  • Additional Features: be sure to explore the additonal features that can help facilitate travel plans, weather, contact information, and more. We will also be using this platform for all virtual interactions. 
  • Application: Thalamus offers an app for Apple and Android devices 
  • Be sure to schedule within 48 hours of receiving your invitation, otherwise we cannot guarantee a spot will be available after that point. 
  • Video Conferencing: we will be using zoom for our interview and informational sessions, and this will be provided in tandem with the thalamus information.

Please note, this process may change due to the strategic collaboration with AAMC and Thalamus. Updates to this process will be posted as we learn more. 

Thalamus logo

Interview Information

Prior to interviewing, all prospective interview candidates are encouraged to visit the UK GME Prospective Residents and Fellows page to review information related to the following:

  • Stipends and Benefits
  • Contracts
  • GME Policies and Procedures
  • Interview Acknowledgement and Release of Information Forms

Please note this information is updated by our GME office, and questions regarding these should be directed to their preferred contact. 


Each year our interview dates fall sometime between November and January, usually on a Thursday or Friday. If invited to interview, you will be able to self-schedule in Thalamus and see what specific dates are offered and choose which is best for you. This applies to both our "categorical" PGY-1 positions as well as our "physician only" PGY-2 position. 


Evening Prior to Interviews

The evening prior to interviews, candidates are invited to participate in the "Resident Meet and Greet" hosted on Zoom. From 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. EST, candidates will get to socialize with residents from our program and ask questions in a casual setting. This meet and greet is for residents and candidates only, and while it's optional it's too much fun to miss out on! 

Interview Day Schedule

Our interview days are completely virtual for all candidates. In order to accommodate those from multiple time zones, our interview days run from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST (respectively), allowing for ten candidates per day. During an interview day, candidates have the opportunity to interview with multiple faculty, meet residents and the program coordinator, hear from the program director, and more. A generic schedule is below:

Time Activity
10 a.m. EST Login to Zoom
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EST Welcome from the Program Director/Site & Tour Discussion
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST Break for Lunch
12:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. EST Interview Sessions (Breaks Included)
3:20 p.m. EST Final Questions
3:30 p.m. EST Candidates are Free to Log Out of Zoom

Once a candidate has scheduled their interview date, an individualized and detailed itinerary will be generated with all the necessary information. Candidates will receive these prior to their interview date.