Summer Training Programs
SURES Program
Undergraduate Research Experience In Environmental Health Sciences Program
The department of pharmacology and nutritional sciences at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine offers a research-training program for undergraduates after their sophomore year. This program is specifically for students who are interested in a careers in environmental health sciences.
SURES Program Details
Undergraduate Research Experience in Environmental Health Sciences (SURES) Program
A multidisciplinary research-training program for undergraduates after their sophomore year.
This program is specifically for students who are interested in careers in environmental health sciences
By participating in this program students will::
1) Gain experience the following research areas
- Environmental exposures
- Water disinfection byproducts, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, aromatic pollutants, indoor pests, nanomaterials and radon
- Environmentally induced disease outcomes
- Cancer, neuroscience and metabolic diseases
- Endocrine disruptors, reproduction, maternal exposures and development
- Environmental health field research, community-engagement, environmental health communication and policy
- Environmental chemistry/engineering and remediation
- Atmospheric pollution, water treatment and reuse, environmental sorbants, environmental fate and transport
2) Engage in career-building activities
- Build relationships with peer, near-peer and faculty mentors
- Participate in group research and learning activities
- Network with local scientists and professionals in environmental health sciences
- Attend workshops on careers and professional development skills
- Present original research
Application Deadline: March 7th, 2025
Program Dates: May 26th - August 1st
The summer stipend totals $5,000 for the 10-week period. On campus housing is provided.
(10 positions available)
Criteria for selection: academic standing, minimum GPA of 3.0 required, commitment to research, and interest in environmental health sciences careers. Prior research experience which includes course-based laboratories is preferred.
Please contact Julien Thibault if you have any issue submitting your application.
Sponsored by: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Contact Information:
Dr. Hollie Swanson
or 859-323-1463
Funding and Research Support
Information about Summer Student Research Fellowships and enrolling in Wellness, Health, and You.
Diabetes and Obesity Summer Research Fellows Program
Diabetes and obesity are prevalent health issues in the Commonwealth. The University of Kentucky and the Office of the Vice President for Research are committed to reducing these disparities by enhancing research and training the next generation of biomedical investigators.
To help accomplish these goals, the UK Diabetes & Obesity Research Priority Area (RPA), under the directorship of Simon Fisher, MD, PhD, and Nada Porter, PhD, is launching a summer research fellowship program for highly motivated undergraduate and medical students.
If you are interested in mentoring a student for this program, please complete this survey.
Undergraduate students
Investigators in the area of diabetes and/or obesity-related research are invited to identify potential undergraduate student candidates and encourage them to apply. Alternatively, investigators will be paired with undergraduate students interested in this experience. Student researchers will be provided with a $5,000 stipend to enable this activity in your lab over the summer. The session will run 10 weeks, approximately from May 29 to Aug. 4.
Medical students
The Office of Medical Education is identifying potential candidates for this fellowship who will be paired with investigators. Alternatively, if you have identified potential medical students, please forward the application and ask them to apply. Medical student researchers will be provided with a $4,000 stipend to enable this activity in your lab over the summer. The session will run eight weeks, approximately from June 5 to July 28.
To complement the research experience, students will attend a weekly session that will feature a short talk by participating faculty, followed by brief, five-minute presentations by fellows on their summer projects. The program is informal and geared to promoting discussion and an exchange of ideas.
Additionally, research fellows can participate in a poster forum on Friday, July 28 (details to follow). This is a valuable networking event and provides students with an opportunity to share their work with fellow students, research mentors and other campus research programs.
2024 Application deadline TBA. Application must include a personal statement and resume. Submit materials here.
Have questions? Email Allison Walters at allison.walters1@uky.edu.