Diabetes and Obesity Summer Research Fellows Program

The UK Diabetes and Obesity Research Priority Area (RPA) under the directorship of Drs. Simon Fisher and Nada Porter is announcing funding for summer research fellowships to support highly motivated students. Diabetes and obesity are recognized health disparities in the Commonwealth, and UK and the Office of the Vice President for Research are committed to reducing these disparities by enhancing research in the area.  Among other efforts, ensuring the development of the next generation of biomedical researchers is a key goal.

Undergraduate and Master’s Students

Investigators in the area of diabetes- and/or obesity-related research are invited to identify potential undergraduate student candidates.  Investigators, please forward the application to students and ask them to apply. Alternatively, investigators will be paired with students interested in this experience. Student researchers will be provided with a $5000 stipend to enable this activity in your lab over the summer and will run 10 weeks, approximately May 27 - August 1, 2025.

Medical Students

The Office of Medical Education has indicated student interest and is identifying potential candidates.  Investigators will be paired with medical students interested in this experience. Investigators, if you have identified potential medical students, please forward the application to students and ask them to apply. Medical student researchers will be provided with a $4000 stipend to enable this activity in your lab over the summer and will run 8 weeks, approximately from June 9-August 1, 2025.

To complement the research experience, students will attend a weekly session that will feature a short talk by participating faculty, followed by brief, 5 min presentation by fellows on their summer projects.  The program is informal and geared to promoting discussion and an exchange of ideas.  As part of the overall program, we request that research fellows participate in a poster forum to be held at the end of the summer (details to follow).   This is a valuable networking event and provides students with an opportunity to share their work with fellow students, research mentors, and other campus research programs.

Faculty and Investigators

If you are interested in mentoring a student for this program, please complete this brief survey.

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Questions may be directed to Allison Walters, at (allison.walters@uky.edu)

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