As stated by UK's International Center, the UK Alumni Global Impact Award "seeks to recognize alumni whose highly distinguished careers have featured significant work outside the United States that has resulted in outanding contributions to their communities or professions in global contexts, and/or who have exemplified ideals of global citizenship through the promotion of inter-cultural communication and mutual understanding, international peace and security, or responsible and sustainable international development." Dr. Mosoka P. Fallah graduated in 2011 from Dr. Subba Bondada's lab and will be presented with his award on September 13, 2021. Dr. Fallah is now the President and CEO of Refuge Place International, which he founded in Liberia while still a graduate student. Dr. Fallah was a highlighted recipient of Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2014 for his role during the Ebola outbreak that year and most recently has been striving to provide medical equipment and hygiene supplies to medical centers across Liberia that are struggling to care for COVID-19 patients. Dr. Fallah voices his current concerns in this World View Nature article published July 27, 2021. Congratulations, Dr. Fallah!!

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