Focus On and Carry Out Core WIMS Functions
WIMS consists of several subcommittees and task forces to focus on and carry out core WIMS functions.
- Each is led by a chair and a vice chair or co-chairs
- Members of executive committee, members-at-large
- Refer to the roster and organizational chart
To learn more about the subcommittees, please review each group below.
Awards and Honors
- Define awards and publish selection criteria
- Solicit nominations, make selections, and present at major functions
Chair/Vice Chair or Co-Chairs:
Kimberly Kaiser, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Caitlin Conley, PhD
Executive Committee Members: Cheri D Landers, MD, FCCM, Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
At-large Members:
Amy Oliver-Steinkuhl
Staff / Control Research Program
Colleen Bodnar
Graduate Student
Deidra Beshear
Assistant Professor / Women's Health
Hsuang Peng
Graduate Student / Nutritional Sciences
Huda Kutmah
Medical Student
Joshua Rock, MD
Resident/Fellow / Anesthesiology
Kara A. Kennedy
Lee Reynolds, MD
Resident/Fellow / Family Medicine
Megan Dickson, PhD
Behavioral Sciences and Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
Preetha Shridas, PhD
Internal Medicine
Reshma Ramlal, MD, FACP
Internal Medicine
Sara Yvonne Ngo Tenlep
Sarah Kamer
Staff / Markey Cancer Center
Scott Keel, MD
- Draft and implement by-laws for WIMS
Erin Schuler, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Create and maintain online library of articles, slideshows, documents, and references
- Design and maintain the WIMS website (in conjunction with Office of Faculty Affairs) and its social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Chair /Vice Chair or Co-chairs:
Riham El Khouli, MD
Nikita Gupta, MD
Head and Neck Surgery
Executive Committee Members: Cayla Sheffer, Medical Student; Jessica Kavanaugh, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, & Regina Fragneto, MD, Anesthesiology
At-Large Members:
Alexandria Early, MS
Graduate Student / Neuroscience
Aurela Clark, MD
Bandi Mahaffey, MD
Cassi Friday
Graduate Student / Physiology
Cassidy Moody
Medical Student
Eden Padayachee, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow / Physiology
Hannah Bowlds
Medical Student
Hasiyet Memetimin
Staff Scientist
Huda Kutmah
Medical Student
Jackie Leachman
Graduate Student / Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Katie Salmeron, PhD
Kenneth Campbell, PhD
Kristin Miller
Graduate Student / Toxicology and Cancer Biology
Linda Katirji, MD
Emergency Medicine
Priyanka Tripathi
Postdoctoral Scholar / Physiology
Rosalind Ritchie, MD
Sahar Nozad, MD
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Education and Professional Development
- Plan mentoring activities and related programs
- Tailor some activities to specific WIMS constituencies
Chair/Vice Chair or Co-Chairs:
Kristen Platt, PhD
Katie Twist, MD
Internal Med and Divisions Womens Health
Executive Committee Members: Allison Rasper, MD, Urology; Kristy Deep, MD, Internal Medicine - Hospital Medicine; Meera Gupta, MD, Surgery; Seema Capoor, MD, Ophthalmology
At-Large Members
Colleen Bodnar
Graduate Student
Eden Padayachee, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow / Physiology
Gabriel Vilchez, MD
Infectious Diseases
Gretchen L Wells, MD
Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular
Hasiyet Memetimin
Staff Scientist
Huda Kutmah
Medical Student
Iuliana Popescu, PharmD, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Nicole Robertson
Medical Student
Joy Coles
Graduate Student
Sahar Nozad, MD
Shravani Prakhya
Graduate Student / Molecular and Cellular Bioichemistry
Stephanie Rock
Graduate Student
Kristen Platt, PhD
Nessa Timoney, MD
J. Zachary Porterfield, MD, PhD
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics
Tritia Yamasaki, MD, PhD
Katherine McKinney, MD, MS
Internal Medicine / Senior Associate Dean
for Graduate Medical Education
Finance and Philanthropy
- Raise money to support WIMS activities
Chair / Vice Chair or Co-Chairs:
Lisa R. Tannock, MD
Internal Medicine
Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine
Emma Birks, MD
Internal Medicine
Executive Committee Members: Paula Ackerman, DO, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
At-Large Members:
Chi Peng
Graduate Student / Pharmacology
and Nutritional Sciences
Alexis N. Smith
Graduate Student
Allie Anstead
Medical Student
Ashley White
Kate Spencer
Medical Student
Katie Donaldson, MD
Madison Hickey
Medical Student
Morgan Sydnor
Medical Student
Olivia Honaker
Medical Student
Rhea Vidrine, MD
Rosalind Ritchie, MD
Sarah Ashley
Medical Student
Membership and Nominating
- Maintain member engagement and encourage at-large participation
- Solicit nominations and make appointments to the executive committee, subcommittees and task forces
Chair / Vice Chair or Co-chairs:
Frederique (Fred) Yiannikouris, PhD
Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Amanda Glueck, PhD
Executive Committee Members: Miriam Marcum, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Nikita Gupta, MD, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery; Smita Joshi, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar; Xiaoqin (Jennifer) Wang, MD, Radiology / Markey Cancer Center
At-Large Members:
Catlin Conley, PhD
Orthopaedic Surgery and
Sports Medicine
Hanine El Haddad, MD
Internal Medicine
Jamie Sturgill, PhD
Internal Medicine
Katherine E Twist, MD
Internal Medicine
Kate Zaytseva, PhD
Toxicology and Cancer Biology
Reema Patel, MD
Internal Medicine
Shista Priyadarshini
Tara Starwalt, CSW
Romil Chadha, MD, MPH
Intermal Medicine
Vinnette Forde, MD
Internal Medicine
Sahar Nozad, MD
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Chair / Vice Chair or Co-chairs:
Chi Peng
Graduate Student
Anna Maria South, MD
Internal Medicine
Hospital Medicine
At-Large Members: Gabi Pugh, Graduate Student & Kendall Simpson, Graduate Student
- Plan formal educational and career development programs, annually and throughout year
- Tailor programming to all WIMS constituencies
Chair / Vice Chair or Co-chairs:
Paula Ackerman, DO
Rehabilitation Medicine
Analia Loria Kinsey, PhD
Executive Committee Members: Donna M. Wilcock, PhD, Physiology; Jessica Reynolds, MD, General Surgery; Maj-Linda Selenica, PhD, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging / Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry; Nikita Gupta, MD, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
At-Large Members:
Kristin Miller
Graduate Student / Toxicology and Cancer Biology
Elizabeth Rhodus, PhD
Behavioral Sciences / Sanders-Brown Center on Aging
Caroline Smith
Graduate Student / Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Caroline Jenkins
Medical Student
Christina Mattingly
Medical Student
Colleen McMullen, MA, MBA
Elizabeth Hansen
Medical Student
Emilie Touma
Hasiyet Memetimin
Staff Scientist
Heidi M. Ehrhardt, MD
Internal Medicine / Pediatrics
Kelli Smith
Markey Cancer Center
Mara Atherton
Medical Student
Megan Wolak, MD
Resident/Fellow / Internal Medicine
Meghan Marsac, PhD
Students and Trainees
Chair / Vice Chair or Co-chairs:
Anna Hansen, MD, PhD
Marlene Starr, PhD
Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Executive Committee Members:
Emily Watson
MD/PhD Student
Maria Kraemer, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar / Neurology
Gertrude Arthur
Graduate Student / Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Smita Joshi
Postdoctoral Scholar / Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Jenni Ho
Graduate Student / Toxicology and Cancer Biology
At-Large Members:
Caitlyn Hood
Graduate Student
Christine Sharrer
Medical Student
Colleen Bodhnar
Graduate Student
Elizabeth Hansen
Medical Student
Emily Marcinkowski, MD
Hsuan Peng
Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Jackie Leachman
Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Hyda Kutmah
Medical Student
Kellea Nichols
Graduate Student / Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
Kendall Collins
Kristin Miller
Graduate Student / Toxicology and Cancer Biology
Melissa Lefebvre, DO
Nicole Leedy, MD
Infectious Diseases
Stephanie Rock
Graduate Student / Toxicology and Cancer Biology
Stevie Britch
Postdoctoral Fellow / Behavioral Science
Sujata Mukherjee
Vinnette Forde, MD
Operations and Planning Taskforce
- Routinely collect data from nine subcommittees and store in a centralized place
- Reference these metrics with our 2020 Strategic Plan
- Assist with the WIMS Report Taskforce
Chair / Vice Chair or Co-chairs:
Xiaoquin (Jennifer) Wang, MD
Markey Cancer Center
Patricia (Tricia) Santos, MD, MBA
Internal Medicine
At-Large Members:
Aradhana Kaushal, MD
Radiation Medicine
Brittany Bissell, PharmD
Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep
Donna Hill, MD
Resident/Fellow / Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Elena Ostrakhovtch, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar / Neurology
Fanny Chapelin, PhD
Biomedical Engineering
Huda Kutmah
Medical Student
Jing Li, MD, MS
Internal Medicine
Katherin Sproul, MD
Madona Elias
Graduate Student
Mary (Evelyn) Moore
Medical Student
Sarah Hall, MD
Thailandria Daniels
Medical Student