Welcome From Our Chair
Get Involved with WIMS
Welcome to the Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) organization at the University of Kentucky.
As the incoming WIMS chair, I am so thankful for what this group has accomplished since its founding. It has grown to include medical and graduate students, department chairs, assistant and associate deans, and associate provosts who all continue to advance the mission of the group. The commitment and dedication across all levels bring attention to our goals and make this group a real force in the College of Medicine.
I must admit that my first instinct is to feel underqualified, or even like an imposter, but by exposing faculty and trainees to data, national leader experience, and networking support, WIMS has fought against feelings of imposter syndrome and will continue to elevate women in the college and around the country.
Through professional development, networking, and educational events, this organization helped me personally overcome hurdles to advancement, perceived or otherwise. I hope to pay all of that forward and more to rising trainees and early-career faculty members during my next two years as chair, and for the rest of my career.
Nikita Gupta, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Chair of WIMS