
Joint efforts are underway by NIH and leading journals to enhance reproducibility in scientific research through increased rigor and transparency in study design, conduct and data reporting. 

Please join us to learn more about current expectations and opportunities to address these requirements for grant funding and publishing research. 

Presented by:
Office of the Vice President for Research Good Research Practice Resource Center 

If you are applying for an NIH grant this fall, such as an R01, and will be using the new online ASSIST proposal submission system, now is a great time to update your eRA Commons profile.  Your profile information will auto-populate in your ASSIST proposal package.  To update your eRA Commons profile, please log-in to Commons at:

The University’s new international travel medical insurance and evacuation policy, which you likely heard about in a message from the Provost last spring, h

D. Allan Butterfield, professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry and Sanders-Brown Center on Aging (SBCoA), has been awarded a $413,000, two-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to study a new model of Parkinson's disease (PD). PD is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative disease in the United States and is manifested by movement abnormalities, postural instability, loss of smell (anosmia), deposition of the protein, alpha-synuclein, and in late stages, cognitive dysfunction.
A University of Kentucky doctoral student in the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) served as a major contributor to a scientific reference book about emerging concepts in stem cell developmental biology, research, therapy, politics and ethics. Dr.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) awarded Haining Zhu, a professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, a three-year, $300,000 grant to study the underlying mechanisms of ALS. In an effort to accelerate treatments and cures for neuromuscular diseases, the MDA distributed $10 million in grants this summer to scientists conducting significant research on muscular dystrophy, ALS and other muscle-debilitating diseases. Zhu’s research seeks to understand the mutations of the Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) gene, which is a known cause of ALS.

The SRAS is currently completing a review of its SOPs.

The American Heart Association’s Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (ATVB) will award Nancy Webb, a professor of pharmacology and nutritional sciences at the University of Kentucky, with its 2015 AHA Special Recognition Award in Arteriosclerosis. The ATVB council supports basic, translational and clinical research concerned with diseases of the blood vessels. The council annually bestows the Special Recognition Award to a member who has contributed significantly to the scientific council over time and enhanced this field of the profession.
A new University of Kentucky study in the journal mBio shows that tissue cysts of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, long thought to be dormant, are quite active. Led by Anthony Sinai, professor at the UK College of Medicine, the study has significant implications on the understanding of chronic toxoplasmosis in the brain, a condition suggested to contribute to a range of neurological diseases including schizophrenia in humans, and the modulation of behavior in rodents. Toxoplasmosis can be acquired from the droppings of infected cats as well as the consumption of tissue cyst contaminated mea

On September 24, 2015 the United States Government (USG) Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC), will become effective.&

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center for Scientific Review recently appointed University of Kentucky behavioral pharmacologist William W. Stoops, Ph.D., as a charter member of its new Interventions to Prevent and Treat Addictions study section. Members selected for service on the committee demonstrate competence and achievement in their scientific discipline as evident by the quality of their research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals, and other significant scientific activities, achievements and honors.

NIH Public Access Policy
Reference List


Do you need to request a No Cost Extension for your grant?  It’s extremely important you initiate this process prior to the end date of the project.  The specific time frame depends on the sponsor, but at least 60 days in advance is recommended.  Contact your GPS for assistance.  You can find your assigned GPS here.  The SRAS SOP for this process can be found here.

CCTS Biomedical Informatics and Privacy Analytics presents De-Identification Methods.

De-Identification Methods
Geoffrey Green, PhD
August 24, 2015
9:00-10:00 am
MDS 220

Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy is pleased to announce its 2015 Young Investigator Award Request for Applications. 

UKHealthCare recently approved updated policies regarding code of conduct.  These updated policies apply to all faculty, staff and trainees in the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Sciences and Public Health as well as all UKHealthCare employees, trainees and volunteers.  The policies outline appropriate interactions with Industry including their representative’s time in our facilities as well as off-campus activities such as training, conferences and consulting.  The policies also clarify disclosure of financial conflict

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recently awarded a $750,000 grant to University of Kentucky researcher Fredrick Onono to study the potential link between obesity and breast cancer. Obese women are four times more likely to develop treatment-resistant breast cancer, but the exact mechanism for this observation is still largely a mystery.

Issued by National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) seeks input on the restructuring of the NIH grant application instructions. We invite comments from any interested parties. We encourage feedback from PD/PIs, Administrative Offices, Offices of Sponsored Programs, Systems Administrators, and any other parties that rely on our application submission information.


The University of Kentucky's Dr. John D'Orazio recently received grant funding totalling $375,000 over three years to further his research on melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Doctors commonly recommend patients increase their intake of calcium as a means of combating osteoporosis for aging bones. But calcium also plays an essential role in the neurological functioning of the brain, where it must be tightly regulated and not rise to excessive levels. A signaling molecule, calcium enables learning, cognition and the retention of memories.