
One undergraduate psychology course changed William Stoops' life.

Originally Stoops planned to major in French, but after taking more psychology classes and getting involved in intensive, hands-on research, he decided in his senior year to devote his professional life to the study of the behavioral effects of drugs.

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The Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship(VACE), part of the University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics, announced that one of its Fall 2017 Bootcamp teams, OptiMol Enzymes, has been accepted into the Clean Energy Trust Competition in Chicago, on F


According to a paper recently published in Cell Reports, labs from Case Western Reserve and the University of Kentucky's Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC) were able to demonstrate the existence of a parallel neural network that could potentially restore diaphragm function after spinal cord injury.

This ghost network operates entirely separate from the brain, which has long been considered the only organ capable of directing respiratory function, and appears able to instruct the diaphragm to contract when properly activated. 

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The American Heart Association has awarded a University of Kentucky and Baylor University research partnership $3.7 million to study aortic disease.

UK and Baylor were one of four teams nationwide to receive the honor, which coincides with the establishment of the American Heart Association's Vascular Research Disease Network.


Abstracts and mentor nominations are now being accepted for the 13th Annual Spring Conference of the University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science. Abstracts are due Monday, March 5, and mentor nominations are due Monday, Feb. 26.

The conference will be held Friday, April 13, 2018, at the Lexington Convention Center. The theme is “Opioids: Addressing the Public Health Crisis through Translational Science.” More details are available here.


NIH has updated its policy on Certificates of Confidentiality for NIH-funded and conducted research.  To read the full announcement, click here. 

[From National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute]



That's the question John Charles constantly asked his parents as a boy. His father was a trained geologist, but he struggled to answer his son's barrage of questions about nature. So he made sure young John had plenty of books about science and space and encouraged him to find the answers.

Health research changes lives. It’s how we learn more about health conditions and make discoveries to improve treatments, care and diagnostics. Every medicine or device we use — from aspirin to pacemakers — was developed through a process of research. But research needs people in order to move forward. All too often, studies are forced to end early or don’t enroll enough participants, which means that many important questions go unanswered.

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Registration is now open for the third annual International Society of Neurogastronomy symposium, which will be held at the University of Kentucky on March 2-3, 2018.

 Both day's events offer continuing education credit.

This year's symposium will explore the connection between brain and behavior in the context of food.

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Alzheimer's disease wreaks emotional havoc on patients who are robbed of their memories, their dignity and their lives. It’s financially devastating as well: care for Alzheimer's patients is predicted to top $1 trillion by the time children born today are having children of their own.

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The combination of a new clinical trial and a tissue bank is innovating stroke care and research at the University of Kentucky. Led by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians and scientists, the studies aim to develop new treatments using existing therapies that protect brain tissue after a stroke, and to learn more about the physiology of the event.

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The University of Kentucky is continuing its ascent among the top research institutions in the country.

The proof is in the numbers:


When Alex Helman began her search for a doctoral program that would allow her to further her knowledge of neuroscience and conduct research on Alzheimer’s disease, she was surprised to add the University of Kentucky to her list.


Kentucky is among the states most ravaged by opioid abuse and drug addiction.

But the University of Kentucky — with researchers and clinicians working across a number of colleges and disciplines — is on the front lines of finding solutions.

Leaders from UK Research and UK HealthCare — along with some of the institution’s most prolific researchers — took their stories of hope and challenge to Washington, D.C., recently to make the case with some of the country’s top elected officials about the need to continue federal funding to address drug addiction and abuse.

NIH recently released a statement indicating that it would be more strictly enforcing all grant closeout policies.  To read the full statement, click here.

The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, the Proposal Development Office, the Office of Research Integrity–IRB, the Survey Research Center and the COM Sponsored Research Administrative Services offices will be closed Monday, December 25, 2017 through Monday, January 1, 2018 and will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. If you anticipate a need for services provided by any of these offices during this time, please call the appropriate office(s) as soon as possible so that assistance may be provided before the break.

With NIH’s implementation of the F-RPPR and I-RPPR, a new section, Section I – Outcomes, has been added.

NIH is offering a new funding opportunity from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) which may be highly relevant to entrepreneurial researchers at University Of Kentucky.  


Does reducing the use of cocaine, but not abstaining from the substance entirely, produce health benefits? There's currently little research available that answers that question.