Eunus S. Ali, PhD
- Assistant Professor
- Member of Markey Cancer Center
College Unit(s)
Other Affiliation(s)
- Markey Cancer Center
Biography and Education
Eunus started his independent career in 2024 at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. From 2017 to early 2024, he did his postdoctoral training at Northwestern University with Dr. Issam Ben-Sahra. Prior to this, his PhD was completed under the supervision of Dr. Greg Barritt at Flinders University, and MS at Stockholm University with Dr. Göran Widmalm.
He is currently an Assistant Professor of Cancer Metabolism in the Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology at the University of Kentucky, and serves as the Principal Investigator for a basic science research lab which mainly focuses on cancer metabolism including neuroimmunometabolism, obesity and cell signaling.
Eunus directs the EAL-METABO lab – Laboratory for Cellular and Cancer Metabolism in the Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology, and the Markey Cancer Center. He is also a member of the Center for Cancer and Metabolism in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.
Check it out for more: EAL Laboratory for Cellular and Cancer Metabolism
The overall goal of the Eunus Ali (EAL) Lab is to define how signaling, particular gene(s) and metabolic regulation shape the development and functionality of normal, and atypical or malignant cells, and how this regulation can be therapeutically manipulated to treat human diseases of metabolic constraints.
EAL Laboratory for Cellular and Cancer Metabolism
EAL Lab is also a member of the Center for Cancer and Metabolism in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.
Selected Publications
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