T32 Training Grant TRIAD
The University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging is the recipient of a $2 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to train the next generation of dementia researchers. The T32 training grant, entitled “Training in Translational Research in Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias” (or TRIAD), is the first Sanders-Brown Center on Aging training grant dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Training for Our Next Generation of Scientists and Clinicians
TRIAD provides cross-disciplinary, bench-to-bedside instruction for our next generation of scientists and clinicians. The program is designed to train participants to become active and productive members of an innovative and multidisciplinary workforce, dedicated to the accelerated development of novel treatments or preventative approaches for Alzheimer's disease and related neurological disorders. The thematic focus of the training program is on risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias; these risk factors include cerebrovascular disease, neuroinflammation, Down syndrome, and traumatic brain injury. TRIAD supports four predoctoral and four postdoctoral researchers, who will learn approaches at the forefront of neurodegeneration research and data science, as well as interdisciplinary team-based approaches to enhance the quality of our future health science workforce.
Predoctoral applicants must come from either the Integrated Biomedical Sciences (IBS) graduate program or the MD/PhD program in the College of Medicine. There are no restrictions on postdoctoral applicants. The University of Kentucky is an equal opportunity university. We encourage applications from women, minorities, and all interested and qualified people.
Interested individuals should email either Linda Van Eldik, PhD, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging Director, or Paul Murphy, PhD, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging Associate Director for Education.

T32 Recipients
Shelby Meier
Scott Thalman
Kendra Skaggs
Jenna Gollihue
Adam Ghoweri
Katherine VanPelt
Kate Salmeron
Peter Hecker
Cory Dungan
Elizabeth Rhodus
Courtney Kloske
Holden Williams
Tyler Hammond
Zachary Winder
Drew Farr
Nick Devanney
Timothy (TJ) Libecap
Mary (Katie) Malone
Lincoln Shade
Ryan Shahidehpour
Justin (Matt) Thomas
Justin Welden
GYeon Oh
Kate Foley
Nick Devanney
Hilaree Frazier
Jenny Lutshumba
Caleb Bailey
Peter Hecker
Jon Vincent
Carrie Johnson
Leslie Golden
Steve MacLean
Elika Moallem
Ryan Shahidehpour
Samuel Lundt