Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
The NMR instrumentation currently includes three spectrometers:
An Agilent spectrometer operating at 14.1 T with 4 channels, and a 3 mm HCN cold probe.
The 14.1 T Agilent DD2 spectrometer is dedicated to metabolic studies. The instrument includes autotune for the probes, ensuring optimal pulse calibrations, with a 96-place random access cooled autosampler that can accept any tube size or configuration. The system has full automation via autotune and cooled autosampler. The sample can be maintained at 5 °C to maintain integrity when larger numbers of samples are to analyzed. The instrument is equipped with two probes:
1. A room temperature 5 mm OneProbe capable of any double resonance experiments with 1H or 19F observe
2. A 3 mm cold HCN 13C-enhanced probe which is the workhorse metabolomics probe for proton-detected 13C or 15N SIRM experiments using small volume samples (< 100 µL with 3 mm sample tube; <50 µL with a 1.7 mm sample tube).
- Direct 13C observe on this probe is more sensitive than a broad band RT probe.
- Triple resonance with 2H decoupling is standard on the cold probe.
A Bruker 16.45 T four-channel dual-receiver spectrometer equipped with two cryoprobes and cooled sample changer
The Bruker Avance III spectrometer features 4 channels, two receivers and a cooled SampleCase sample changer and two autotune cryoprobes.
1. 5 mm inverse quad probe (HCNP)
2. 1.7 mm HCN 13C-enhanced probe for proton-detected 13C or 15N SIRM experiments using small volume samples (< 50 µL with 1.7 mm sample tube).
- Direct 13C observe on this probe is more sensitive than a broad band RT probe 16.45 T Spectrometer