Effective 7/1/15, UK temporary employees (including STEPS) will be eligible for the health care credit if they work .75 FTE or more. This can be on one assignment or several assignments that total .75 FTE or more.  The employees will be offered the same choice of plans as regular full-time employees.  

Since it may be difficult to determine at the proposal stage who might have multiple assignments, we will recommend PIs budget the maximum plan cost (employee + family) pro-rated for the number of hours on the project for all TBN temporary non-STEPs personnel listed in the budget.  If they have a person identified, they should know what plan the employee will utilize.  

For STEPS, the rates will be increased to absorb the health care costs.  HR does not currently have an estimated rate for us to use for budget planning purposes.  We will recommend PIs budget, at a minimum, a % of single coverage based on the number of hours on the grant.

More information will be forthcoming from HR and STEPS soon.  If you have questions regarding development of your proposal budget including this new information, contact your assigned pre-award specialist.