Wednesday, March 22, 311 Gatton, 1-4 p.m.

Who should attend: All faculty who do research should be aware of potential commercial applications of their work and learn about the UK Research infrastructure to support technology transfer, commercialization and working with industry partners.


§  1:00 Changes in the intellectual property development process: Ian McClure, Director, Office of Technology Commercialization

This session will preview the changes in our invention reporting, market assessment and IP filing processes, including the OTC’s new invention management system and revamped IPC process, and the benefits these changes provide to UK researchers. A case study review of an actual market assessment recently completed using new tools and the OTC Fellow will be included.

§  2:00 Partnering with industry: Ian McClure and Rodney Andrews, Director, CAER and Assoc. VPR

This session will discuss best practices related to identifying and working with potential industry partners, licensing IP, and doing sponsored research and other forms of research collaboration with industry. Current efforts to develop streamlined IP options for sponsors to limit protracted negotiations will also be presented.

§  3:00 Entrepreneurship: Warren Nash, Director, Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship

This session will discuss goals and services of the Von Allmen Center and present the UKAccel program and start-ups that have spun out from the inaugural UKAccel class.