An updated, “version 2.0” of the Electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF), developed by UK’s Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) and Enterprise Architecture Group (EAG), is in the final stages of testing.  The updated form will have many improvements, including enhanced validation checks and the ability to view attachments in the same window as the eIAF.   

During the next two weeks, several College of Medicine departments will be pilot-testing the updated eIAF.  We anticipate that the formal rollout will take place after the holiday break at the beginning of January 2017.  Stay tuned for more details on a formal release date.   

The existing, “version 1.0” of the eIAF is still available during this pilot-testing phase.  We anticipate that its availability will continue during the initial implementation.  This will allow eIAFs started in the existing system to complete the routing process.                                              

Over the next several months, COM Sponsored Research Administrative Services (SRAS) will be working to provide COM faculty and staff members with additional assistance and materials.  If you have questions or need technical assistance, please contact your Grants Proposal Specialist (GPS) at: