The purpose of the Research Enrichment Program (REP) is to stimulate new research and support existing research and scholarly activities within units (departments, centers, and institutes), thus supporting the university's strategic objective of facilitating interdisciplinary research and collaborative scholarship. The REP funds will be awarded to units according to the percentage distribution indicated in Item #8 on the eIAF. Dollars in the proposed grant budget, as well as substantive resources to be provided by a unit, should guide determination of the enrichment split between units.

Enrichment splits may be calculated by three possible methods, which must be agreed upon before grant submission, including

1) based on the total modified direct cost (personnel + expenses) per unit,
2) based on total percentage of effort (all personnel) + expenses per unit, or
3)  if participating units prefer different methods of computing enrichment splits then the units must each compromise by using the average of cost and effort (to calculate total personnel contributions) + expenses per unit.

Additional details about the REP including all updates are available online in the Research Support Guide at

  For questions, contact your Grants Proposal Specialist.