The semi-annual proposal deadlines for the American Heart Association are coming up in January 2016.  In addition to alerting your Pre-Award GPS as soon as possible of your plans, here are a few helpful hints as you start working on your proposal in the Grants@Heart system. 


·       Institution name: University of Kentucky, Lexington.

·       Kentucky is part of the Great Rivers Affiliate.

·       Institutional personnel: Kim Carter (Grants Officer) and Jennifer Miles (Fiscal Officer).

·       Biosketch: can follow NIH format of five pages.

·       Research Plan length is specified in the AHA funding announcement and is different for each. (Click here for programs with January 2016 deadlines.)

·       Collaborating Investigator needs a letter of support and a biosketch, while a Consultant only needs a letter of support (please ask your GPS the differences).

·       There are “Question marks (?)” throughout the on-line application form with guidance on how to complete each section.

For questions, please contact your Grants Proposal Specialist.