[from The Graduate School]

Universal Tuition Program invoices are available for Spring 2017 via both program (ForDGS) and college (ForDeans) web pages at this site. Go to the page, logon with your DGS or College Code, and go to the "RA/GA Universal Tuition" link once you are logged in. If you do not know your password, please send an email to stacy.gaylor@uky.edu to get your password.

Most of you provided the account numbers when the GSAS was created. Please review those account numbers and then provide the remainder on the e-invoice. Please finish your input and review by
Monday, March 13th. If account numbers are not provided by the deadline, the student’s home academic departmental/college cost center will be recharged the actual tuition costs. The detailed instructions are here.

As a reminder – the Universal tuition process only applies to Research Assistants and Graduate Assistants. Teaching Assistants are NOT included in this process. The Universal Tuition invoice is also based on the student’s academic department NOT the hiring department.

Please email
stacy.gaylor@uky.edu with any questions or issues.

NOTE: SPA’s guidelines for posting to grants:

    • The individual must be coded in payroll as a graduate research assistant; and
    • The sponsored project must be active at the midpoint of the semester being charged (March 6, 2017); and
    • The student must show effort on the sponsored project by at least the midpoint of the semester being charged (March 6, 2017); and
    • Tuition must be an allowable expense on the sponsored project with appropriate budget available*; and
    • Tuition charges to the sponsored project follow the effort proportionately; and
    • The sponsored project account to charge must have been submitted to the Graduate School by their established deadline.

Please note federally funded projects now require budget in E537110; contact your CGO and/or RA with questions regarding budget requirements.