Spring 2018 Graduate RA tuition expenses from the Graduate School will be posting at the end of March.  Please make sure cost objects have been provided for each student to be charged according to the Graduate School deadlines.  

In order to charge RA tuition to a sponsored project all of the following criteria must be met:

1.     The individual must be coded in payroll as a graduate research assistant; and

2.     The sponsored project must be active at the midpoint (March 7, 2018) of the semester being charged; and

3.     The student must show effort on the sponsored project by at least the midpoint (March 7, 2018) of the semester being charged; and

4.     Tuition must be an allowable expense on the sponsored project with appropriate budget available; and

5.     Tuition charges to the sponsored project follow the effort proportionately; and

6.     The sponsored project account to charge must have been submitted to the Graduate School by their established deadline.

7.  Please review your specific award to determine if budget is needed in sponsored class E537110; contact your CGO and/or RA with questions regarding budget requirements. 

If the sponsored project is not eligible for the tuition charge by the deadline, a non-sponsored account must be provided to the Graduate School to utilize for the expense.  The tuition must be charged in March to be eligible for a cost transfer once the grant is available to charge.

Any tuition expense intended to be charged to a sponsored project that does not meet all criteria above will be charged to the Indirect Overrun account for the responsible unit of the account listed. 

Please ensure those reconciling your sponsored projects are aware of the charges to be posted and review your accounts to determine that everything was charged as expected.  Any expenses that were posted to the overrun accounts will need to be reviewed and resolved timely.  If submitting a JV to transfer tuition expense, please include documentation to support each of the requirements listed above.