Spring 2016 ESL Courses for International Graduate Students
The Center for English as a Second Language (CESL) is offering two courses for International Graduate Students in Spring 2016:
ESL 095: Academic Writing for International Graduate Students
Writing in a second language can be challenging, andthus building confidence in writing academic content in a second language can be a major hurdle for new international students. This course is for international students in the beginning stages of their graduate studies in the United States. The Graduate School has identified this as an area of professional development opportunity as we receive much interest in academic writing guidance from international graduate students each time we offer the Thesis/Dissertation Boot Camp. We are pleased to be able to work with CESL to offer this course.
ENG 098: Academic Speaking & Listening for International Graduate Students
This course is similar to the fall ENG 098 dedicated to ITAs, yet is open to any International Graduate Student wishing to improve their English language skill. In future semesters, this course will be offered as ESL 090, but the paperwork for that change has not yet been finalized.
Space is still available. Please share this information will any students you feel may be interested.
For a more detailed description of these courses, click the following link: http://www.research.uky.edu/gs/StudentDevelopment/Documents/ListservDocs/ESLFlyer_Spring16.pdf