Security improvements for personally owned mobile devices

Enroll your personal smartphone in AirWatch before June 30

All UK HealthCare employees who wish to receive corporate emails, applications and services on personal mobile devices will need to enroll into a program called AirWatch, which secures email traffic and ensures that personal mobile devices are encrypted and passcode protected.

To that end, all UK HealthCare employees who wish to receive corporate email, applications, and services on their personal smartphones should enroll in AirWatch before June 30, 2016. After that date, you will no longer be able to receive email for your email account on any personal mobile device until it is enrolled.
Your privacy is important to us. Only the minimum information needed to secure your device is collected and tracked (device type, operating system, username, UK HealthCare-managed apps). If you report that your device is lost or stolen, only UK HealthCare apps and data will be removed from the device.

In addition, a privacy icon is added to your device when you enroll that shares a real-time view of the policy settings for our implementation of AirWatch including what is and what is not being tracked.

A mobile help desk will be at various locations around UK HealthCare to assist with enrollment and to answer any questions that you may have. You may also call the Service Desk at 859-323-8586 for assistance or to schedule an appointment with the mobile help desk.

Click the button below to see the mobile help desk locations and for instructions on how to enroll in AirWatch. Instructions will also be sent out via email and posted on various internal communications, such as CareWeb and In the Loop.