The UK Proposal Development Office (PDO) is a pre-award resource within the suite of services provided by the Office of the Vice President for Research to support strategic research development across campus through targeted resource and service delivery. PDO provides an array of services to faculty, staff, and students to assist them in securing extramural funding for scholarly activities. Primary research development services include:

  • coordination of complex multi-disciplinary projects and proposals;

  • assistance in individual proposal planning and development;

  • proposal review and critique;

  • identification of potential collaborators;

  • agency and PI liaison services;

  • generation of institutional data and grant-related reports and;

  • dissemination of funding information.

PDO also provides training in grant-seeking and proposal development skills. Grant-related workshop offerings focus on agency or sponsor requirements, specific funding mechanisms, and diverse topics relevant to effective grantsmanship. Workshop services are also available to investigators whose funded projects incorporate career development or institution-wide training activities and can be developed in conjunction with specific training needs. PDO staff serve as national leaders in the field of research development, in particular through service with professional organizations and leadership roles in NIH-funded efforts focused on proposal development skills training for faculty at minority-serving institutions across the country.