New Subrecipient Commitment Form:

For faculty members who are planning to have one or more subrecipients on a proposed project, please be aware that your Sponsored Research Administrative Services (SRAS) Grants Proposal Specialist (GPS) will need to know as soon as possible.  As part of the electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF) process, your GPS will send each subrecipient a Subrecipient Commitment Form to complete. This form is required to be completed by the subrecipient so that, in the event of an award, the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) will already have on hand much of the preliminary information needed during the subaward process.  Note that, this form is for internal purposes only.  It does not take the place of a Letter of Intent and should not be sent to the sponsor as part of your proposal. 


For questions, contact your Grants Proposal Specialist.