The University of Kentucky is partnering with KNODE Inc. to promote and connect UK researchers with colleagues and potential collaborators worldwide.

Through a UK-specific portal ( the KNODE platform helps individual researchers, academic institutions and companies share scientific knowledge, particularly in the biomedical field.

Anyone can create a free login to access UK’s portal and/or search the complete database that currently includes millions of researchers worldwide. Users can search by expert name, area of expertise or affiliation, with search results linking to next-generation expertise profiles automatically generated by KNODE’s advanced semantic mining and data processing algorithms.

Users can dynamically search and filter an expert’s scientific content (publications, patents, grants, and clinical trials), aggregated by KNODE’s platform from publically available databases (PubMed, USPTO, NIH RePORTER, Researchers with profiles in the system can also claim and edit their information, add links to university lab pages and make other enhancements.

"KNODE provides us a single, searchable gateway to the leading-edge biomedical research being conducted by our investigators and our collaborators in industry and academia," said UK Vice President for Research James W. Tracy. "Technology like this can spur vital scientific collaboration."

David Steinberg, KNODE's acting chief executive officer and partner at Boston-based PureTech Ventures, said, "There is a clear opportunity to develop exciting ways to automate and characterize researcher expertise, while also making these experts searchable and accessible in a new, powerful way. We are pleased to be working with the University of Kentucky to put their researchers and collaborators in the spotlight, highlighting their unique capabilities and scientific track record.”

In addition to adding the University of Kentucky to its growing list of academic partnerships, KNODE also recently announced a commercial partnership with Wiley, a leading international scientific publisher. The company also has formed partnerships with AstraZeneca and others to improve life sciences R&D efforts such as technology licensing and collaboration. KNODE is part of Enlight Biosciences LLC, created by PureTech Ventures in partnership with major pharmaceutical companies and academic supporters.

For more information on UK’s KNODE portal, visit

MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, 859-323-2396 or
