Dr. Karen Kelsky will be on the University of Kentucky’s campus Friday, April 7th.  In addition to a keynote, Hacking the Academic Job Market, and workshop, Going Post-Ac: The Non-Academic Job Search (more info about these sessions can be found here), she will present a workshop tailored specifically to Directors of Graduate Studies and graduate faculty, Advising for Advisors: How to Help Your Ph.D.s in a Time of Turmoil, from 1:00 to 2:30pm.  All faculty and staff are invited to attend.  Registration is open.  We hope to see you there. 

“Every graduate student in academe should read this book. But also: if you teach graduate students, if you mentor graduate students, if you worry about graduate students, and even if you’re thinking about becoming a graduate student, you should read this book too. It’s just that indispensable.”– Michael Bérubé, Director, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Penn State University

Access the book’s table of contents here




Dr. Kelsky’s articles on the Chronicle’s Vitae:

