The NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases (see supports research focused on mechanisms linking obesity to cardiovascular diseases, as well as other obesity-related conditions (e.g., diabetes, cancer).  The program supports research of junior faculty with the intent of strengthening the UK research infrastructure in obesity and associated diseases.  Junior faculty supported through the program receive (a) financial support for specific projects that are approved by the NIH, (b) mentoring from experts in the field, and (c) access to research cores. 

COBRE also supports pilot projects for investigators performing research on obesity and associated diseases.   

The COCVD announces availability of the following programs:

1.   Recruitment of a junior faculty member within the COCVD.

2.   Pilot project funds (up to $50,000 in total direct costs to be spent over 12 months) for research focused on obesity-associated diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, others).  


1.   Junior faculty position within the COCVD:  an individual, appointed as faculty, who does not have and has not previously had an external, peer-reviewed Research Project Grant from either a Federal or non-Federal sources that names the investigator as Principal Investigator. 

2.   Pilot project funds:  These pilot grants are intended to assist investigators new to this area of research to generate sufficient data to be competitive for extramural funding.  Junior faculty members are especially encouraged to apply.  Senior faculty who have not previously had NIH funding in the area of obesity and associated diseases are eligible for pilot project support. 

Submission process:

1.   Junior faculty position:  please provide, as a letter of intent (LOI), (1) NIH format biosketch with other support, (2) Specific Aims (1 page) of project.

2.   Pilot project funds:  please provide (1) NIH format bio sketch with other support, (2) Abstract (1 page), (3) Research Proposal (6 pages) and budget with justification.  The Research Proposal should follow standard NIH format ( Research Plan), with specific aims, background/significance, preliminary data, and experimental approach.  

If you would like to be considered for either program (junior faculty position and pilot project support), please follow submission process instructions for #2, above, and specify in a cover letter that you request consideration for either program.

Applicants do not need IRB or IACUC approvals to submit a pilot grant application, but will need approval before funding.  

Submit your Full Application to Mark Schwarcz, COBRE Program Administrative Coordinator, with a due date of Monday October 31, 2016 by 5:00 pm. 

For questions, please contact Mark Schwarcz at 218-1390.