[From Tim Tracy, Provost]

Please share this email with your faculty and instructors, regarding the importance of using the UK's early alert system early in the semester.
We’d like to encourage all instructors to reach out to a student as soon as he or she begins to fall behind in their course. This is accomplished most effectively in person, or by email.  In addition, however, using the early alert system also allows us to track these interventions, and shares these concerns with other offices across campus, such as advising and residence life. 

The first five to six weeks of the semester is critical to a student’s academic success for the semester. Efforts continue to be made to reduce rates of students failing or withdrawing from courses and the early academic alert system is one such effort.  As such, we ask that you please reach out to a student as soon as s/he begins to fall behind in your class, and submit an academic alert.  The early alert you submit will trigger a set of support systems with other on-campus offices, such as advising and residence life.  

What is the early alert system?
Allows faculty and university personnel to submit information regarding academic and behavioral issues (such as missing classes, scoring poorly on tests or quizzes, engaging in disruptive or otherwise troubling behavior) that usually present obstacles to student success. 
When Should I Submit an Alert?
As soon as you see an issue, particularly within the first weeks of a course. However, alerts can be submitted at any point during a semester. 

How To Submit an Alert

I appreciate your willingness to send these important Alerts, particularly during this first five to six week period. 
