For faculty members who are working with industry sponsors (non-clinical trial) for their research projects, please contact your COM Sponsored Research Administrative Services (SRAS) Grants Proposal Specialist (GPS), who can assist you during the time that you are negotiating your budget figures with the sponsor.  Your GPS can assist with:

Answering your questions about what costs are allowable on industry-sponsored agreements.

Preparing your electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF), which is necessary for signature of your agreement with the industry sponsor.

Coordinating with UK’s Office of the Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) for review and negotiation, if needed, of your draft agreement with the sponsor.

Strategizing with you to ensure that your industry sponsors provide full Facilities and Administrative (F & A) costs (also known as indirect costs) for your project, with a focus on targeting a bottom-line dollar total cost amount that includes both the direct costs you need to complete your project and full indirect costs that comply with UK policy.

Here is the link for contact information for the GPS who serves your department: