Congratulations to our Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Booster Award winners!

WIMS Booster Awards are intended to support research, clinical, or educational efforts within the UK WIMS community. Projects began Aug. 1 and will be completed by June 30, 2024, with summaries presented on WIMS Day in October.

Rupin Sharma, MD

Faculty Project: “Implementing a longitudinal point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) training curriculum for neonatology faculty and fellows in a large academic center”

Carolyn Lauckner, PhD, and Anne Ray, PhD, MEd

Faculty Project: “Technology-delivered brief alcohol interventions (BAIs) to reduce alcohol use in young adult women”

Sydni Anderson

Student Project: “Gender Equity in Radiology Learning Survey (GERLS)”

Lindsay Bryant and Jim Ballard, EdD

Student Project: “Interprofessional Pathways to Health Equity Pipeline”