There are many ways to support the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.  Some provide tax benefits and income for you or a beneficiary.


​​​​​​​Making a cash gift allows donors to immediately make an impact on a College of Medicine scholarship, department, program, or unit, because cash gifts are readily available. They offer the college greater flexibility in a year, freeing funding to increase scholarship support, purchase new classroom or laboratory equipment, fund initiatives or accomplish college, department, program, or unit goals. They benefit donors as well. Every year that you make a cash gift, you are eligible for a tax deduction.


​​​​​​​An endowment is an indefinite pact between a donor and the College of Medicine to advance the college and to enrich students’ education. These customizable agreements allow you to make a gift that will impact students generations from now.

When you create an endowed fund, your initial gift is invested. Once it begins generating interest, the college distributes the earnings to the scholarship, program, or professorship you designated. UK never touches the principal, allowing your gift to produce revenue indefinitely, benefitting students, faculty, research, and programs or enhancing the campus and community. Endowments start at $25,000.

Donors can also establish an unrestricted endowment, dedicated to helping UK advance. These unrestricted funds give UK flexibility to focus on its goals, whether it is advancing research, offering more scholarships, increasing community outreach or offering a lecture or arts series on campus.

Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property

Consider making a gift of real estate to the University of Kentucky Real Estate Foundation. UK provides you a variety of ways to support the programs and students on campus, including donating residential or commercial property, transferring your farm or forest land or designating your mineral rights to the foundation.

Your property will be sold, and the sale proceeds will be used to benefit your chosen area at UK (e.g. to establish a scholarship or to support a college or program). Real estate can also become a resource for future growth and expansion. A home, farm, office building or undeveloped lot can greatly benefit UK.

Under current statutes, you receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of your real estate gift, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Any unused portion of the gift deduction can be carried forward for up to five years.

Gifts of real estate also could be personally beneficial, allowing you to avoid capital gains tax or be used to fund a Charitable Remainder Trust, generating income for you and your beneficiary for life.

Learn more about your real estate giving options

For additional information, contact the Foundation’s Executive Director Ford Stanley at (859) 257-7882 or

Securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds)

​​​​​​​Making a gift of securities is as easy as making a cash gift to the College of Medicine, and it has the same impact. By transferring your stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to UK, you show your commitment to improving UK’s programs entities and to providing our students access to an exceptional education.

Wills and Trusts

You want to leave money to the College of Medicine in your will. You also want the flexibility to change your will in the event that life circumstances change. You can do both.

In as little as one sentence, you can complete your gift. This type of gift to the college in your will or living trust helps ensure that future College of Medicine students have the opportunity to receive an affordable and accessible education at UK.

Charitable Gift Annuities

​​There's a way for you to support the University of Kentucky and feel confident that you have dependable income in your retirement years. You can do this with a charitable gift annuity.

This type of donation can provide you with regular payments and further the College of Medicine’s work to continue to improve people's lives through excellence in education, research, service, and health care. You can also qualify for a variety of tax benefits, including a federal income tax charitable deduction when you itemize.

Donor Advised Funds

Click here for information on the University of Kentucky's Donor Advised Fund.

Need some help? Have some questions?

Please contact one of our directors of philanthropy.

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