Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce two new Equipment Competitions, one for Minor Equipment ($10,000 - $100,000) and one for Major Equipment (>$100,000).  These opportunities and the details of the competition have been posted on the new Research website: 

The links to each competition will take you to a portal that is accessible using your LinkBlue credentials. This submission portal is also where you will submit a proposal. 

See below for a general overview describing these equipment competitions.  Feel free to distribute this email to interested faculty. 

Note:  Applications are due October 31, 2017, and we anticipate making funding decisions before the end of the year.  

Lisa A. Cassis, PhD
Vice President for Research
Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences
University of Kentucky
311 Main Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0032
Fax:  859-323-2800