UK Center of Excellence in Rural Health Hosts Academic Advising Summit
The University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health (CERH) Student Services Office held an Academic Advising Summit on March 4 in Hazard. The summit was attended by advisors, administrators, and counselors from several Kentucky Community and Technical College System campuses and the University Center of the Mountains. The interactive summit, which also included a student panel, focused on opportunities for successful transfer of students into bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs available at UK’s Hazard campus.
The advising summit included a tour of UK’s Hazard campus, where more than 900 students have earned health care degrees since the UK CERH was established in 1990. Presentations by UK advisors and a breakout session to discuss how to overcome transfer barriers for rural southeastern Kentucky students were also included in the summit.
"Health care workforce development to alleviate health professions shortages in rural communities is a large part of our mission here at the UK CERH,” said Fran Feltner, UK CERH director.
“Having strong relationships with academic partners that enable seamless transfer experiences for rural Kentucky students is vital to our mission,” she said.
“Such relationships help boost awareness of the degree opportunities UK is providing in easterm Kentucky and create networks of people who can help students overcome obstacles that might otherwise prevent them from successfully transferring,” said LeeAnn Helton, student services director for UK’s Hazard campus.
More than 100 students are currently pursuing degrees at UK’s Hazard Campus. Degrees available include Bachelor of Health Sciences in Medical Laboratory Science; Bachelor of Arts in Social Work; Master of Social Work; Doctor of Physical Therapy; and a Family Medicine Residency.
For additional information about UK CERH academic programs please visit or call toll-free 1-855-859-2374. Tours are available by appointment.
UK is the University for Kentucky. At UK, we are educating more students, treating more patients with complex illnesses and conducting more research and service than at any time in our 150-year history. To read more about the UK story and how you can support continued investment in your university and the Commonwealth, go to: #uk4ky #seeblue
MEDIA CONTACT: LeeAnn Helton,, 606-439-3557