The total requests for new and amended subawards have steadily increased, per a recent update by Kim Carter, Executive Director, UK Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA).  With over 400 requests in FY17, administering subawards has quickly become a major part of research administration operations both at the College of Medicine (COM) and University-wide levels.    

The COM Sponsored Research Administrative Services (SRAS) office assists faculty members with the preliminary tasks associated with acquiring specific documentation and budget information at both the proposal and award stages.  Please contact your COM SRAS Grants Proposal Specialist (GPS) for assistance in coordinating with subawardee institutions for the following documentation: a detailed budget and justification, letter of intent signed by the subawardee’s Authorized Official, scope of work, and a subrecipient commitment form, if needed. 

Note that if you included a subawardee at the proposal stage and you receive a request for additional information that indicates the likelihood of an award, such as an email from an NIH Grants Management Specialist requesting “Just-in-Time” information, please contact your COM SRAS GPS.  Your GPS can assist you with preparing the requested information as well as coordinating with the subawardee on what information may be needed.  When an award is issued, these preliminary steps will facilitate the actual subaward issuance process.   

Once this documentation is complete and accurate, and following the grant account establishment, your SRAS Grant Analyst can prepare the official subaward request to accompany the documentation’s submission to OSPA for processing and eventual subaward issuance and signature.  OSPA performs risk assessments at that time to ensure compliance with Uniform Guidance (UG) as well as UK policy.   

If you have questions about the subaward process, please contact your COM SRAS GPS or Grant Analyst for more details.