Halcomb Fellowship In Medicine and Engineering

Applications are now being accepted for the Halcomb Fellowship in Medicine and Engineering. The fellowship consists of an annual stipend of $25,000 with the option of renewal for a second year based on research progress.

Applicants must be current students in either the College of Medicine or the College of Engineering and shall have active mentors from both colleges. Applicants should also have a record of intellectual and academic achievement and leadership ability.

Those interested in consideration must submit the following components.
 Curriculum vita
 Research prospectus containing (3-page, excluding references):
      Specific Aims
      Significance
      Innovation
      Approach
      Path to clinical application
 Personal statement addressing how the project fits the applicant’s training and career goals in relation to developing technologies that enhance human healthcare (2-page limit)
 Letters from two mentors, one from the College of Medicine and one from the
College of Engineering, that address the applicant’s academic and research
qualities as well as the mentorship team and planned engagement with the
 NIH-style biosketches for both mentors

Note: Finalists will present their research project to a selection committee representing engineering, biomedical sciences, and clinical specialties.

Submit application materials as a single PDF file to gradstudies@engr.uky.edu.

Questions may be addressed to Dr. David Puleo (puleo@uky.edu), Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Engineering.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, May 26, 2017.

For additional information, visit www.engr.uky.edu/halcombfellowship.