Dr. Deanna Morris

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine-Bowling Green Campus has created an additional leadership position to focus on the holistic success of its medical students.

woman holding her hands up making a heart shape

The University of Kentucky’s ninth annual Healthy Hearts for Women Symposium will bring in nationally recognized experts to raise awareness about the dangers of heart disease and educate attendees on prevention techniques.

Dr. Susan Smyth pictured in pedway leading to BBSRB

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine lost an icon in the field of cardiovascular medicine, translational research, and medical education. Susan Smyth, MD, PhD, died of cancer on Dec. 31, 2022, at the age of 57.

Dr. Alexandria Early Linton with fellow graduates from Dr. Donna Wilcock's lab

The year 2022 has been one “wild ride” for Alexandria Early Linton, PhD.

This was her final year of her PhD. She defended her thesis while 33 weeks pregnant with her first child, and she had her baby on the day of Awards Convocation when it was announced she won the inaugural Dr. Madhav and Dr. Radhika Devalaraja Outstanding Graduate Student Thesis Award.

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine’s Salvation Army Clinic is a student-run, free clinic that serves as a learning environment for medical, pharmacy, and social work students while providing acute onsite health care for uninsured patients at the Salvation Army of Central Kentucky.

Analia Loria Kinsey

Analia Loria Kinsey, PhD, is an associate professor in the UK College of Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences. She studies cardiovascular disease and strives to raise awareness about preventative measures and treatments by helping organize the college’s annual Healthy Hearts for Women Symposium.

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Our College of Medicine community,

Honoring Indigenous Peoples' Month

During Indigenous Peoples’ Month, the UK College of Medicine is highlighting historical figures who paved the way for an equitable future in medicine.

Steven Haist

The University of Kentucky College of Medicine is excited to announce that alumnus Steven Haist, MD, MS, has been selected as its new associate dean for curriculum and assessment.

Dr. Michael Rankin
Michael D. Rankin, MD ‘80, has generously committed $22 million to advance the mission of the UK College of Medicine and expand the college’s top-notch educational opportunities through support of a new health education building and the funding of medical student scholarships.

Pediatric Alumni Reunion August 25-28, 2022.

On Aug. 25-28, 2022, the University of Kentucky College of Medicine will welcome alumni from all over the country and all pediatric subspecialties back to Lexington for its first-ever Pediatric Alumni Reunion.


For students in research, the journey toward earning a graduate or postgraduate degree can be rewarding once they begin laboratory work, but at times, also very isolating.

“Once you join your lab, you go to your specific department, and even within departments, we hardly see each other because we are just doing the individual work that our lab focuses on every day, day in and day out,” said Meagan Kingren, a doctoral student in pharmacology and nutritional sciences.

Photo of Dr. Cecil

For more than two decades, Michael Cecil, MD ’00, R ’05, has served the Lexington, Ky., community as a physician committed to advancing the health and well-being of the Commonwealth.

Photo of Jonathan Davies

While completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Kentucky, Jonathan Davies, MS, found himself at a crossroads. He had stretched himself too thin with involvement in organizations and programs, and he started suffering burnout. He then missed the window to take his medical school entrance exam junior year.

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In 2020, high-profile murders of Black civilians by police garnered national attention, shining a light on the growing need for social change. Learners at the UK College of Medicine collaborated to compose a letter to their leadership, advocating for solutions to combat systemic racism. The College of Medicine administration engaged with learners to implement strategies and initiatives that would address their concerns.

Photo of Elena Shelepak

Early in her undergraduate years of college, Elena Shelepak had several career paths in mind. She was good at biology and curious about genetics. During freshman year, she took a few psychology courses. Criminal justice also piqued her interest.


Rob Brooks is from Bedford, Ky., a town of fewer than 600 people in Trimble County. He grew up knowing that rural areas like his hometown are typically underserved in regards to health care, so he planned to become a doctor who could be part of the solution.

Through the UK College of Medicine Rural Physician Leadership Program (RPLP), Rob received two years of education at UK’s large academic medical center in Lexington, Ky., followed by onsite rural medicine experience and training in Morehead, Ky.

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The University of Kentucky College of Medicine is excited to announce the appointment of faculty members Sarah Marks, MD, MA, and Jordan Clay, MD, to serve on its committees. The electeds have been endorsed by the College of Medicine acting dean and Faculty Council. They will serve three-year terms on their respective committees.

Dr. Marks has been appointed to the College of Medicine Admissions Committee. Dr. Clay has been appointed to the College of Medicine Medical Student Curriculum Committee.

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A Frankfort, Ky., native, Josh Karsner originally planned to attend the UK College of Medicine’s main campus in Lexington. Near the start of medical school, he learned about the college’s new regional campus in Bowling Green that would offer the same curriculum but smaller class sizes, as well as a chance to pave the way for future physicians-in-training in western Kentucky.

His first thought: “Why not?”

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When Emmanuel Dike-Udensi was a first-year student, his peers in third and fourth year would always give him the same warning – that medical school goes by quickly. But Emmanuel was skeptical.

“I didn’t believe them,” he said with a laugh. “Back then, I had so much to study, I couldn’t imagine that.”

Now, as Emmanuel approaches the end of medical school, he said reflecting on the past four years – and how fast they have gone by – is surreal.