The Help Our Students Travel (HOST) Program matches fourth-year medical students with alumni volunteers in various cities during residency interviews.
Alumni volunteers provide lodging for students while they are traveling for interviews as well as offer invaluable advice about the community and possibly the perspective medical center at which they are interviewing. Becoming involved in the HOST Program is a great way for alumni to connect with current students, give back to their alma mater and help reduce student indebtedness as they begin their own medical careers.
If you are interested in participating in the HOST Program as a student or alumni, please fill out the appropriate form below.
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section below or contact Kennedy Hill at kennedy.hill@uky.edu or 859-562-2706 if you have any questions or need additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many times may I utilize the HOST Program?
Please limit your use of the program to five requests so that as many students as possible may be accommodated. If you have more than five requests, please contact Kennedy Hill at 859.562.2706 or kennedy.hill@uky.edu. Your additional requests will be considered after other students have arranged travel.
Is my spouse/significant other able to stay with me?
Many HOSTs welcome spouses/significant others. Please note that you plan to travel with another guest on your request so appropriate arrangements may be made.
Can I stay with a HOST for more than one night?
Sure! Alumni are flexible to offer students the chance to get the best airfare rates and/or to interview with several programs/centers in the region. Every effort will be made to place you with a HOST that is willing and able to provide lodging for more than one night should you need it.
Who are the HOSTs?
All hosts are UK alumni. They have attended the College of Medicine for medical school and/or completed their residency here.
Where are HOSTs available?
Alumni and HOSTs are located throughout the United States. The Office of Alumni and Development will contact alumni in areas that you plan to travel if HOSTs have yet to volunteer in those cities.
What can I expect from the HOST?
HOSTs are simply asked to provide overnight accommodations in their home for you. Many HOSTs may choose to go above and beyond by offering transportation to and from the airport and your interviews, meals, tours of the area and professional insight on the regional medical community and your prospective medical center. Every HOST experience will be different.
How do I become paired with a HOST for my interview(s)?
Complete the Student Request Form with the details of your travel. You should submit a form for each location and date of your travel. You should also be sure to submit your form(s) as soon as possible to allow for ample time to contact and find a HOST for you. Advance notice of at least two weeks is appreciated, but the Office of Alumni and Development is understanding of changes in interview schedules and will try to accommodate requests that are not submitted in that time period.
Do I contact the HOST?
After you complete the Student Request Form, the Office of Alumni and Development will contact alumni to secure their interest and availability. Once a match has been made, you will be contacted with the HOST’s information. It is then up to you to contact your HOST promptly to share the details of your travel and interview plans as you arrange and confirm your stay. If your plans change, you should contact them again.
How far in advance should I contact the HOST?
Contact the HOST as soon as you receive their information. If you are matched early, contact your HOST right away and once again as your travel date approaches.
What should I do if my travel or interview plans change or are cancelled?
Contact the HOST as soon a possible to let them know about the change in plans. Also, contact Kennedy Hill at 859.562.2706 or kennedy.hill@uky.edu. If you need to reschedule for the same location, she may be able to work with the HOST to see if the date change works for them or identify another HOST if it doesn’t.
Do I need to do anything after returning from my trip?
Yes! We ask that you send a thank-you note to the alumnus that hosted you. You are also welcome to take a gift to your HOST when you arrive for your stay. Some students may choose to take along a bottle of wine, flowers, etc. to thank their HOST in advance.
If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please contact Prim Hudgins at primwathen@uky.edu.