Writing Papers
Writing papers
The publication of manuscripts describing our research is an important part of being a professor or a trainee at an academic institution. Other members of our community of radiologists are eager to read what we have found. :earning the way we do something will save them time and prevent them for making the same mistakes we made. Publishing also raises the awareness of other researchers of what a wonderful place the University of Kentucky is.
Nevertheless writing and publishing a manuscript is time consuming and difficult work. Consequently the research committee has put together various aids to help with the process. These aids are the following:
Most manuscripts require that statements to establish the background situation and to describe the work of other researchers should be referenced and the citation provided in a bibliography. This can be tedious work especially as the process of editing the manuscript can result in adding, moving and subtracting references. Bibliographic software such as EndNote is extremely useful for managing your references and formatting each manuscript to the requirements of the specific journal you wish to publish your article in. The University of Kentucky provides the excellent bibliographic software EndNote free of charge to us. Download the software here.
Which Journal to send the manuscript to
The presentation of different material is best suited to different journals. Some journals such as the journal Radiology have a higher impact factor than others such as Investigative Radiology. To help you decide which your to submit your manuscript to we created a list of many of the journals which publish articles in our field along with their URL and their impact factor. You can find that EXCEL file here.
A scientific manuscript contains several sections, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, etc. One of the challenges in writing a paper is knowing what material goes where. To help you know what to put where we created a template with specific instructions for each section. You can find that template here.
You can review a presentation made by Drs. El Khouli and Hardy in 2019 here.
As always, the research committee is happy to help in any way they can with writing papers. Please reach out to Peter Hardy if you would like assistance.