Welcome to Ahmed Elbadry Radiology Visiting Scholar 2021/2022
I am Ahmed Elbadry, raised in Cairo-Egypt surrounded by family, friends, and childhood memories. during my early days I used to accompany my parents while they were lecturing and teaching in college which inspired me to love science and guiding people to better versions of themselves and for the same exact reasons, I joined school of medicine Ain Shams university where I had my medical education. but because of my preoccupation with clinical work during my residency, I was always lacking academic experience and educational activities, so once Dr. James lee gave me such an opportunity to shadow him and being more involved in research, learning and professional practice I didn’t hesitate to join him at University of Kentucky and start a new journey in seeking knowledge and science. I do believe that practicing medicine gives you the space to come close to your people and society, feel their pain, touch their suffering, and lend a hand in times of need. These are the morals I was raised seeing my parents doing and these what we should do.
On my free time, I enjoy swimming, playing soccer and as a former point guard I find pleasure watching Stephen Curry and LBJ. I am also challenging myself to open new perspectives through reading in logics, language and literature. Although I spend some time learning about nutrition, yet I am not a good cooker.
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Dr. Elbadry Medical University